Mr Macklebee, Sir, I have made one post of that nature. i asked for the help, you were willing to help me when no one else offered other than a paid learning session of which due to my working schedule, i have no time for. I have learned alot from your help. It wasnt wasted my friend! I have sucessfully used the techniques you pointed out to me to successfully bring in other characters. Now, the issue next is other animations. i see where Tattiebojangles is coming from.
Myself, personally, i cant learn by reading. I have to sit and actually do it. Sometimes a few times until it begins to sink in.
Where as you think its tiresome to see some asking for help, maybe some of us find it just as tiresome to see some one reply with "Look in the forums" with out knowing if they have looked and just didnt see what made any sense to them. If your hurt that i asked for help. . . let me now remind you I offered to pay for the service. You refused on the basis of helping a noobie out as you too once were a hobbiest and new to all this stuff. I could have easily offered you approx 50 for a simple script with commented out notes that explains what does what to get me started! Thats about a half an hours work using an existing script and adding the comments. pretty good money if you ask me but who am I around here but the new guy that gets confused and asks for help when I cant find the answers!
I apologize! Again, I though this community would be far more accepting of those newbies coming in or looking to come in, providing more DEV money!