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Everything posted by Imchasinyou

  1. Isnt there a step height setting or something similar that can be changed? I have a covered bridge model Id like to use BUT, the HUGE 2x6 board that the character has to step upon to get over is, well, just too high i guess. . . . Never seen this until I came to leadwerks. . . . I can post a pic of said HUGE 2X6" boards that lay on the deck of this bridge if you like.
  2. Yep, I found this out by accident one day. Just as YG says, hold control down, click and drag the object a little and you now have a copy
  3. Now see, this is the exact type of response some one just might be looking for. o flaming, no hurt feelings of veteran members because we noobies arent getting it right off as non coders. Many thanks to Aggror for doing this. This help me understand even more of the steps needed and after I take a look at the script, maybe some of it will make sense. In other forums I have used of different engines, there were topics JUST for scripts, one for free models others have made and so on and so on. . . . I guess I thought the "better "engines would have had the same type of charitable members
  4. Mr Macklebee, Sir, I have made one post of that nature. i asked for the help, you were willing to help me when no one else offered other than a paid learning session of which due to my working schedule, i have no time for. I have learned alot from your help. It wasnt wasted my friend! I have sucessfully used the techniques you pointed out to me to successfully bring in other characters. Now, the issue next is other animations. i see where Tattiebojangles is coming from. Myself, personally, i cant learn by reading. I have to sit and actually do it. Sometimes a few times until it begins to sink in. Where as you think its tiresome to see some asking for help, maybe some of us find it just as tiresome to see some one reply with "Look in the forums" with out knowing if they have looked and just didnt see what made any sense to them. If your hurt that i asked for help. . . let me now remind you I offered to pay for the service. You refused on the basis of helping a noobie out as you too once were a hobbiest and new to all this stuff. I could have easily offered you approx 50 for a simple script with commented out notes that explains what does what to get me started! Thats about a half an hours work using an existing script and adding the comments. pretty good money if you ask me but who am I around here but the new guy that gets confused and asks for help when I cant find the answers! I apologize! Again, I though this community would be far more accepting of those newbies coming in or looking to come in, providing more DEV money!
  5. I dont think its coming off like you think it is. I think its some one new to all the scripting asking for help from the "community". Maybe I was wrong about the type of community involved here but other communities are far more than willing to be of assistance to newbies like us. The forums are poorly organized and the information and documentation is severely lacking IMO. Thats why we ask for assistance. Besides, not all of us are super smart people with all the coding, modeling and shader skills that a few of you might have! Might have spent my money elsewhere with this attitude around here!
  6. Since I have troubles importing characters and setting up their animations, is there some one that could build a script or something similar where as yu could import a new character, assign their animations via boxes just like some of the scripts have boxes in the editor where you can assign colors and textures. The style i was thinking of was the health bar tutorial I just completed by Aggror. I learned a little by doing this one but what stood out for me was the creation of those boxes. Ive looked for a simple tut that explains it clearly for me but havnt gotten there as of yet.
  7. I too have had the same error. I gave up as scripting isnt easy for me but would love to see a solution as I might need it in the future if I stay with leadwerks. I was also wondering why no one seems to want to post some scripts that would help us noobies that cant script get started. Ive seen this in EVERY engine Ive used but Leadwerks. It kinda weighs down the engine for us guys that are just starting to learn. . . . See what i did there? Lead = Weight. . . . .
  8. I too have run into the permissions thing. i figured it wasnt worth downloading if I dont have permission to download it anyhow! Must be some super secret that no one is allowed to access unless your on the nice list Honestly, can we not figure out how to fix that so that MEMBERS and those that have paid for the service can also access these downloads from the site?
  9. I have the Indie version. Im going into the project manager and clicking publish with the level shown in the video. This places an exe file onto my desktop. When clicking the exe is where im getting the error. Is this not the correct method of publishing a game?
  10. Thanks for the help guys. Ill get on this as soon as the slave master (work) permits me some personal time to actually do more than sleep.
  11. If the current plan falls through, i will consider this as an option. I think if I stare at the scripts long enough I might be aboe to gain some footing on it. I have a few ideas Im gonna try out and see if they prove fruitful for myself. Thanks for the reply.
  12. Just kinda wondering if any one does any scripting free or paid? Obviously, this engine needs alot of scripting and Im not much for it. I can be added on Steam under the user name of Gen-Imchasinyou. Id like to talk about it.
  13. Here is a link to my video showing the issue with the character. Any advise would be awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6Yn3JWnfDg
  14. OK, guys. I have built a smal level and wanted to compile it to see how it runs as a standalone. I did as the tutorial I found said and when I clicked the exe to run it, I am getting an access violation exception? error. Second issue Im having is when i run a test from the editor, firing the prefab pistol crashes the editor. Third is when I import characters, I only have the monsterAI script to use and they dont really attack me and when they get close to me, they turn backwards. . . . Finally, when I import trees and other vegetaions, I have black squares around all the branches/leaves. Here is a small vid I made of the level I have begun. Please keep in mind, Im justa hobbiest and a beginner
  15. ok, I get an access violation error when i try to runa stand alone of a simple level I made. I want to get more familiar with the process of building and thats the next process I chose but now Im stuck. Any help?
  16. OK, guys. here is another one for you that I cant seem to find any info on. I have imported some of my stuff (models). After importing them into their own folder sets, how can i clean up that folder and hide all the textures from view? So, all I want to see is the actual model itself. Any ideas?
  17. I feel welcomed already! All my answers are getting answered and not one rude kiddy remark made. Im happy here. Thanks again guys! I might have to lean to your guys some here and there but im doing the best i can at learning. Im old and things like this just dont come easy for me
  18. tjheldna, Thanks for the help. That was spot on in fixing my models. I might not fully understand the emitter and how that works. It seems as if adding it to the map does nothing. Could you expand some and help me out?
  19. First, I came froma different "editor" that is stuck with poor performance, poor graphics and many many other issues. Im new to Leadwerks and so far, I absolutely love it. I needd some help though and hopefully these forums are far more friendly than the other "Editor". First, ive been able to easily import models but cant walk onto them. IE buildings, bridges and what not. I cant seem to figure this part out and hope some one here will help me. Secondly, where is the particle editor that was shown and mentioned. I cant seem to find it. Ive searched all over the net and the software lookinf for clues. I just purxhased the indie version if that matters at all. Thanks for any help you guys can offer.
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