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  3. Jazz


    This thread is from 2011. There is no PointEntity anymore, it is Point. self.entity:Point(Entity2) self.entity is the entity the script is attached to.
  4. Did you create a navmesh?
  5. Here's the function for the staff I did in this old video. Offsets were trial and error and need changing for each model. It's called in UpdateWorld() That was my only attempt so there's probably a better way. function Script:AttachWeapon() if self.fingerBone == nil then self.fingerBone = self.entity:FindChild("Bone R Finger11") if self.fingerBone == nil then Debug:Error("Finger bone to attach weapon to not found.") end end local fingerPos = self.fingerBone:GetPosition(true) local fingerRot = self.entity:GetRotation(true) local tscale = self.entity:GetScale() local fPos = Transform:Point(0.01 / tscale.x, .02 / tscale.y, .03 / tscale.z, self.fingerBone, nil) --offset playerInfo[ourID].weaponEntity:SetPosition(fPos.x, fPos.y, fPos.z, true) playerInfo[ourID].weaponEntity:SetRotation(fingerRot.x-23, fingerRot.y, fingerRot.z, true) end
  6. Drawtext is bugged when used with the built in GUI. Looks like a gui redraw issue. The following shows the problem. Hit escape for menu, then click outside the buttons. import("Scripts/Menu.lua") window = Window:Create("example",0,0,800,600) context = Context:Create(window) world = World:Create() light = DirectionalLight:Create() light:SetRotation(45,45,0) camera = Camera:Create() camera:SetPosition(0,0,-3) counter = 1400 toggle = 0 myfont = Font:Load("Fonts/arial.ttf", 16) context:SetFont(myfont) clip = 10 Ammo = 100 local gamemenu = BuildMenu(context) gamemenu.newbutton:SetText("RESUME GAME") window:HideMouse() while window:Closed()==false do if gamemenu:Update()==false then return end if toggle==1 then counter = counter + 10 end if toggle==0 then counter = counter - 10 end if counter>=1400 then toggle = 0 end if counter<=10 then toggle = 1 end if gamemenu:Hidden() then Time:Update() world:Update() end world:Render() context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:SetColor(1,0,0,.5) context:DrawRect(38,30,300,300,1,30) context:SetColor(0,1,1,1) context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo1: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 100, 80) context:SetColor(1,0,0,.5) context:DrawText(string.format("%.0f",counter),38,30,300,300,Text.VCenter+Text.Center) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo2: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 30, 100, 300, 250, Text.VCenter+Text.Center) context:SetColor(0,1,1,1) context:DrawText(string.format("Ammo3: "..clip.. " | " ..Ammo), 100, 300) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) context:Sync(true) end
  7. Put that command in your .bat file. It will output it in output.txt
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