Here's the new link:
Just a quick teaser though because I don't want to spoil the story and levels of the game.
Demo is expected to be released on December 7.
Here's the link for the gameplay of it:
Note: I haven't worked on CRY for quite some time so yeah the video is just a quick teaser showing the concept of the game and such.
CRY Is a horror/puzzle game in progress being made by Chaos Studios.
In CRY you are a scientist who decides to visit your grandfather's labratory after your dad told you to pick up some files there.
But soon you find out the lab has been abandoned for a long time ever since an experiment gone wrong that your grandfather did that also resulted to his death.
Click here to view the game
So I purchased some models from arteria3d a long time ago and I decided to try the tree models that I bought and put it in leadwerks.
But there are still white textures on the leaves I don't know why though.
Here's a picture of it:
So Im trying to unsubscribe to a workshop item in steam because I can't seem to make boxes anymore because of the materials in that workshop item.Everytime I make a box it subscribes to the workshop item again.Any ideas how to fix this?
I am opt in beta on steam and even when I am,the game still crashes.
Not the leadwerks app,my game.
Sorry to really bother in making another thread on how to fix these kind of stuff.
Thanks in advance.
Apparently joining the beta in steam didn't work.
Also when I took the picture I was already opt in beta on steam.
I think it's best that I make a new thread instead.
So yeah.