Hello everyone. Thanks for all the help getting going thus far.
I have a dream, that I want to turn into reality. The dream is that I want a career in game development. While I'm still in senior high school now, I am taking a digital media class, and have been doing artwork for more than a year now.
That said, my goal for right now is to make a game for the Linux OS using Leadwerks. To turn this goal into reality, I would like to join a team. I have good social skills, can work well with others, and I have a decent ammount of technical experience.
My technical experience is outlined below in a timeline of events in chronological order:
-Started programming in Python and C++. This is on-going, and I plan to learn LUA as it is much less complicated than C++. I have been programming for more than a year now, off and on.
-Started using Gimp image editor on Windows. I use Gimp as my image editor to date, and I have about a year-ish experience using Gimp.
-Experience using Autodesk Softimage XSI to make models on WIndows OS (before I converted to Linux) This lasted for about a year too.
-Started using Audacity and working with sounds. This is on-going, and I have been using Audacity for about 4-5 months now, off and on.
-Started using Blender as I began to have a distaste in expensive proprietary programs. While I used the student version of XSI which is legally free, I still didnt like it that much.
-Converted to Linux
-Have been using Blender now consistently for about a month or so, getting into the groove of how Blender does things. I feel like I can use Blender rather well, and I'm getting better every day.
All in all, my preffered area of help if I were to join a team right now would be artwork, in the form of textures or models.
Note that I havent listed any experience in level design. Not only am I really awful at creating game levels (in other engines mostly), its not my area of interest at this time.
Other than that, my only OS right now is Linux. I hope that that is not going to cause problems. Models and textures are cross platform (or at least should be cross platform...) anyways, so thats no big deal.
Wanting to join a team has also been a goal of mine. If you guys are interested, let me know. Feel free to give me a trial task to do if needed.
I look forward to hopefully being part of a team and making games for the Linux OS!