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Everything posted by dbk3r

  1. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/120/entry-1182-luajit-awesome-luajit-enet-loaded/
  2. thanx...will buy the standard edition, make many things a lot easier , i guess
  3. @Josh: ok... right now. at this moment....but,.....the exceptions are diff... it will be saled----
  4. thx a lot: but. ... hey im not st-......
  5. @Ywa: would u share ur ENET exp. ? src, etc?
  6. dbk3r


    maybe late but ... im wanna say hello. Hi. im interessed and looking forward to code. a 3D Game together with my Son. I chooesed Leadwerks, u know why.. hello.......
  7. maybe im tooo.. stu...... ill ask...it is poss. to publish a le3 (steam indie) project to android?
  8. close it.. it answered.. im shameing
  9. a chat between members who are online ,, share ure know how? answer direct questions.. etc. possibilties? NIce to have??
  10. oh yes. im looking for that , long time ago.. would be nice to use raknet.dll in LE3 lua. , or to implement a multiPlayer functionality in LE3+
  11. great .. @Aggror : hey.... u r always online??? :-)
  12. yes. i mean the lua editor. it would be realy nice... Nice to have ;-) ... ure welcome.
  13. @Aggror : ok. any hope for next Release / Update?? :-) ps. like ur tut's!
  14. im a big fan of LE3. but somtimes im realy lazy.. yes iam....... so i ask about autocompletion in lua editor... it is possible to use a external ide? or better to implement feature like lazy autocompletion? best regards.. Denis
  15. dbk3r


    this worked for me local skybox = Material:Load("Materials/Sky/skybox_texture.mat") self.camera:SetSkybox(skybox)
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