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  1. So where exactly would I put this? I'm very new to leadwerks and lua. So sorry if I'm a trouble.
  2. For example: Alien Isolations Alien ai. I need something like that. If he hears a noise he checks it out. If he senses someone nearby he'll check it out. If he sees the player he will run like a madman at him and kill him, unless player hides, or the monster gets distracted by another noise.
  3. What I meant was actually, getting an ai to patrol around multiple waypoints until he sees the player. Not just one waypoint.
  4. Other then waypoints is there a possible way to get him to just wander around in his navmesh If not can you tell me a simple way to get these waypoints working. I couldn't find any tutorial on this.
  5. I've been having this error recently where I want the monster to not be able to go into room if door is shut. However if the door is open then he can go in. The error I have with this is the monster walks through door.
  6. Whenever I tried this I got over 20 files of I guess to be the monsters different body parts. Is there anyway to fix this? Should I combine all of them? I'm really confused
  7. I just have the problem of adding multiple waypoints for him to patrol around. Always get some error.
  8. Yes, I would like the monster to visit one specific area more then the other specific areas. However I still would like him to just walk around the map randomly, until the monster feels he needs to go to that specific area. (He might hear a noise and want to check it out) Or he might catch the player off guard and randomly walk into that specific area. Example: Specific location (Time visited) 65% of the time. Randomly wandering: 35% of the time.
  9. Was just wondering if anyone could help me out with this. I just need the monster to free roam then when it sees the player, It runs after player. However after loosing sight he just goes back to roaming.
  10. So I have been testing with new character models for enemy's, and I have come across an error. When ever the enemy runs towards me he gets pushed back by some force field. I am using the default monster script.
  11. I'm trying to make a game basically about your on an island stranded, and you can find shelter in houses from zombies/mutants. I need some help on the script for them breaking down a wall/fence/railing. One more thing I need help on is the auto respawn of the mutant/zombie.
  12. Just wondering if there are any video/text tutorials to help me with this. I have tried to do both these things and failed miserably, very confused. New to lua code, and leadwerks.
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