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Everything posted by Gonan

  1. I am trying to work out how to manually take control of the monsterAI.lua controlled entities, my initial thoughts are is there a way to assign a script file to the entity programmatically in a lua script. And if so can the entity be stopped, and have the script reset back to monsterAI.lua once I release manual control. The Idea is to be able to tab key among my army of entities, and "mind control" them, taking over from their normal monsterAI.lua script and using my own controller.lua script. When I tab out they revert back to their normal script. I haven't been able to find any API reference to setting the script file for an entity. Would this be a possibility.
  2. Shutdown and restarted the PC, launching steam and the update completed straight away, and can now launch Leadwerks.
  3. I think something is wrong with the latest steam update for leadwerks. I'm using the beta. When I look in the Steam Library it shows Leadwerks Game Engine - 46%. Unable to launch Leadwerks until update finishes, but it keeps downloading and then saying - UPDATE REQUIRED (NOT QUEUED) and then repeating , and scheduling a new time a new time for the current minute. Will try a re-boot to see if this clears.
  4. No, lua only, as the game launcher is advertised as can do no harm, due to lua being sandboxed. Ie the code running in sandbox mode can not execute anything that can damage your data or other programs. Is what I believe to be the current situation.
  5. Instead of trees, could you use it in an urban situation, and use human or animal figures and to make it feel crowded.
  6. There is some tuning that can be done in the monsterai.lua functions.each alive monster looks for targets and selects the closest. But instead of searching a big area for all targets , start with a smaller area and if you find a target or many, just chose one. If you don't find a target repeat for a bigger area. When there are lots of monsters in the world the finding of an enemy is much quicker and more relevant.
  7. I wouldn't be in a hurry to use file i/o if you are just using LUA, as that would probably preclude the use of the game player, which requires sand pit mode, and using file i/o will probably mean you cant get your game published as easily. If you have a requirement for file i/o and it would be general purpose and safe, Josh may code some new api, to wrap up your functionality that would then allow that to be added, like he did for the high score board.
  8. Not sure if this bughas been fixed yet from last year, but it was a similar issue and has a simple fix http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11065-monsterailua-function-scriptendattack-bug-fix/
  9. Hi Josh, I think having a rating system and a ranking display on the game player would be a great addition, but please allow a non ranked view, so that each game has an equal chance of being displayed first. You could have all time ranking, this weeks ranking like music charts that change each week, this will prevent the most popular games staying the most popular simply because of their sequence in the game player. New releases, for new titles, or fixes, or additional content, to give the game playeruser an incentive to try out games they previously played. If a game player user gave a thumbs up, to the original game and they don't like the layest version, then they should be able to remove the thumbs up, but not add another one, and vice versa.
  10. So if its possible to load 9 maps each occupying one tile of a 3 by 3 grid but 8 low poly and 1 high poly representing your current location, then when your location changes toone of the outer tiles, that tile becomes high poly and the new centre and 3 or 5 new low poly tiles are loaded with 3 or 5 tiles discarded depending on the location moving to a corner or side tile, and the old high poly tile is replaced with a low poly version, thus providing an infinitely sized world.
  11. I have wondered cor some time now, about adapting models by adding clothes, and how can it be done so you design the item once and size it to an existing model, and it reacts correctly when animating the model. Is there some simple way of doing this, as I have seen it done in games where the player choses his character and can choose what to wear.
  12. Hi, just wonderered if Josh is still controlling updates and additions to the game launcher, as it hasn't got to full release, and if he is will he still control publishing after full release, and if that's why you're not seeing your changes just yet
  13. Awesome addition. Just tried it with blocks using a smaller block to carve out of a big block. Not sure what the size prompt thing is in Hollow, is it like making swiss cheese?
  14. Hi Leadwerkers, Thought I would share a feature that I have just found on the Leadwerks web site, and request for comments, on what tags we should use to allow sub sets of articles to be easily found in future. When you create a new topic, there is a field called Topic Tags, where you can create your own words that can be used to describe the content of your post. If you open a tagged article and click on one of its tags, you will get a list of articles that also have that tag. As far as I can tell the listing is available on 1 tag. If we had a standard list of tags, we could help ourselves collate the posts that would be useful for tutorials, C++, LUA, coding, textures, maps, materials, weapons, AI, animation, shaders, documentation, gui, effects, transitions, tuning, testing, publishing. Try to imagine the tags being used to gather articles into chapters. While multiple tags can be assigned, remember only 1 can be used to get a list of matching articles. What common words would you want to be able to use, when looking for information in the forums?
  15. Hi fellow Leadwerkers, It might be just me, but has anyone else noticed that the forums seem quieter of late. Where is everyone?
  16. Hi Josh, the workshop 50 item limit may need some attention, unless you can subscribe and pay, unsubscribe, and subscribe without repaying.
  17. Gonan

    water depth

    Can you set Water Height in the Scene Root, defaults to 0.0?
  18. This is a strange effect. Use a Militarytrailer01.mdl from the zone - Military trailers workshop. Set up the following, Mass 1.0, shape Polymesh, collision type Prop, Physics Mode Rigid body, and hit Fit Shape. then using the FPS Player step inside it and press E near a wall. Then try to move around, inside without falling trough the floor or walls. You can try on water, or set some CSGs below the Trailer. Its like your trying to carry the trailer while stood inside it. Can feel like your being flung around the inside of the trailer.
  19. Thanks Roland, installed it today, is there a way to update the intellesense, it works at self. but extending the text line to self.context: doesn't want to go any further and make suggestion after the : Have you tried the auto formatting, like ctrl K,D to reformat the whole .LUA document, and has it caused any problems. I've not had any so far.
  20. Another update of ShaderTool today 17th Feb.. amongst other details were these. NEW FUNCTIONALITY: - Post-Effects support for Leadwerks engine - Save contents of rendertarget to file (right click into rendertarget node to open save as file dialog) - Effect templates for all possible shader combinations, also for Leadwerks engine (you can find them when creating a new effect node)
  21. My shadertool just got updated today, so read through the details to see what has changed, and the makers of Shadertool are about to finalise their build, they would like to know if anyone has problems using their tool with Leadwerks to let them know, presumably by posting on their steam, shadertool, discussions site.
  22. While doing an MVA course, I came across this link to a Lua plugin for Visual Studio, so I thought I will ask if anyone has tried it with Leadwerks, and what they thought about it. https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/766bbbb8-630b-418a-9261-95072fa44fce
  23. The only work around that I can see, is to add some API extensions to Leadwerks that allow some game objects to be persisted, like High Score, CurrentPlayerInfo, including Inventory, last save position, dropped items for each level/map, killed bosses. Then you wouldn't need any file i/o to be available from Lua, as the Leadwerks API would be performing the I/O. This could greatly extend the games that would be possible to be played within the Game Player.
  24. This is working now, what I did was use the steam window (not leadwerks) - from the menu COMMUNITY workshop, selected Leadwerks, Browse drop down and selected, subscribed files. then selected the x that appeared in each box or the Unsubscribe button for all but 10 entries, (You can probably have 49 entries in your list and be alright, though I haven't revisited that number of entries, if that's still the restriction. Anyway the workshop is working again for me in the Leadwerks engine and items are installing ok once again.
  25. Just write your games to fail the file handling gracefully, for instance not keeping a high score file, but still allow it to play.
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