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Everything posted by Gonan

  1. So if every one else is working must be something I've done, I will reduce my subscriptions to the workshop, as there has been a limit of 50 that I found previously, but thought the new system might be different. I also can't find the manage workshop items any more, has that been removed. All my subscribed items show with black no entry signs, no ticks on any of them. And there doesn't seem to be a way to say this ones being used.
  2. I may be wrong as this is just off the top of my head, but if you increase the screen resolution then you are asking your graphics card to do more work. if you run your game at 640 by 480, you are minimising the work on the number of pixels you have to process in your GPU, using 307K pixels, assuming you have a reasonable gpu, your frame rate would be constrained by other things like the CPU, memory, disk etc. But this would give you your base line. Going to 1024 x 768 in 786K, more than double the work for the GPU to output. And running at 1920 x 1080 gives 2073 K. Over 6 times the output of your base reading. So if you got 30 FPS at 1024 x 768 I would expect you could get 60+FP at 640 x 480 and about 10 FPS at 1920 x 1080. If you do get 60FPS at 640x480 I suspect a better GPU, if you have the power available, will give a better frame rate.
  3. like is there an options explicit type setting that there was in the old VB. This might help users begin to transition to more C++ style if they turn on an option using a tick box in the tools option that says you have to declare all your variables before use.
  4. try replacing self.targert,2,1 with self.target,2,1 in your last line.
  5. Trying to get the workshop items downloaded into WORKSHOP projects, so I can see what is available and not overwrite any existing files. Been working most of the evening ok but has stopped working now, even rebooted pc, so looks like the web site has stopped delivering downloads. Using beta 3.4. menu, workshop,browse workshop, picked various entries, clicking on install button displays a downloading popup, followed by a Leadwerks Editor popup with "Failed to download Workshop item." with OK button.
  6. @SomeKnight, did Josh state that himself, if so please provide a link to the relevant article. If he didn't say that please explain how you know what he wants. If you are venting an opinion in your first post, please amend your behaviour and respect the forums provided by Josh, that allows you to ask the community for assistance, and promote your own work. I believe the exporter is written in python, so if you are up to it, you can try improving the exporter yourself. Maybe in your next post we will be able to appreciate the hard work you have made in the making of a positive contribution. This is a really good community, and we welcome new comers, many of us being new ourselves only a short time ago.
  7. Do you get the same stats that we get for our Green Light campaigns for game submissions, like % of the way to top 100. I have left the Green Light community to respond to my campaign without using any other marketing routes, other than the initial Leadwerks update and my graph looks a similar shape but not as steep as yours, making 2 announcements on development progress on Green Light, didn't seem to make any noticeable difference to the number of visitors. after 3 days I had 263 yes votes, 6 289 11 300 25 308 Though my % to the top 100 has kept climbing in the last 2 weeks from 6% to 10% and I can only assume this is because other campaigns have been Green Lit, and are no longer in the top 100. In the last 4 days I have only had 3,5,5,3 visitors compared to 1013,596,178,67 in the first 4 days of the campaign. Looking at the way the graphs grow, I think that there is an active pool of Green Light community members most of whom will have visited your campaign in the first 3 days, then you pick up the pool who check once a week, then after that you might get 10 visitors or less per day. Not sure if this is steams algorithm for presenting your Green Light campaign to the steam users, which might present new campaigns to Green Light visitors more frequently than ones that have been going for longer, sharing them out more for those receiving recent yes votes, I suspect it might weight this into its algorithm, or if its simply sharing out the new visitors across all the remaining Green Light campaigns.
  8. Why not have a Mods folder, into which you can copy and modify any of the standard scripts. Make the Leadwerks engine search path, check the Mods folder, like the addons folder, before looking in the normal folders. If you use the Mods folder and you want to add in the changes, use notepad++ to find the differences and make the changes to your private code base manually. This would protect you from having your amended code overwritten. If you don't use the Mods folder, then you are allowing the "Updates Required" to work as they do now.
  9. On the bonus level on LOSW, I have a 3 metre wide ball that knocks the fighting zombies and crawlers off the platform, but sometimes they get stuck in mid air, throwing a present at the lowest one allows them all to fall, its as if the lowest one is supporting the others, so that is potentially correct, my concern is that why is the lowest one not falling when there is nothing under its feet. Is it because there are two or more characters and they are supporting each other in mid air? Has anyone had the same issue and found a work around?
  10. Using the new Beta water level, I have tried increasing the mass to 5000 for a 3 metre wide sphere, but it still floats, after bobbing up and down when it falls into the water. Do we need to create density value to compare against the water, eg. 1000kg/m^3 if its higher it sinks. How would we flag that an object sinks rather than floats to the physics engine?
  11. Anyone noticed that the off-screen action stops when its placed behind the fps character. In level number 2 on LOSW, if you don't move, a fight will take place directly behind the player. However the score will settle down to 12 13, and doesn't change. If you turn a quarter turn to the right or left, the fighting will continue. Is this an optimisation in the Leadwerks engine, in that nothing gets processed if its in the quadrant behind the camera. Is there any way to control it? Will increasing the FOV have an impact on the rear quadrant.
  12. I was really worried initially about using the beta, but most of the time, its been ok. And you can help Josh improve the product. The biggest risk that I have come across is the work you do in the beta may not be able to be used in the current release version. For instance if the internal map version has been updated in the beta, then your stuck using the beta, or you will have to re-create your map in the release version, or wait for the updates to be made to the release. Other than that you can always go back to the release version, and to work on something else and come back to the beta when the problems have been fixed. For most of the time, my experience of reporting an isolated bug, to Josh picking it up, is just a couple of days, and its been fixed within a week. But if your up against a deadline then stick to the release version. One thing I find hard to keep track of is when the release version has been updated, and what has changed. Josh normally releases a blog when the beta has been updated with new features. And emails you when a bug fix has been applied to the beta for your reported bug.
  13. Hi moechofe If you're running windows, you can find your last log here. C:\users\<your userid>\AppData\Local\<your project name>\<your project name>.log
  14. Are some video games made because of dreams, if they are, how do they fare against those made from conscious thought processes. For those of use who experience dreams, do we all have an untapped resource in creativity, and all we have to do is remember what happened, and what feelings we had. Ever woken up and thought wow that was a good dream, I was.....err can't remember now , but I know it was really exciting. If I could just go back to sleep, I could find out more, and that would be really good, but you know that hardly ever works. How do we get that feeling into our video games, why do we want to get back to the exciting dream, we know its not real. Can that same feeling be driven by video games, which we also know are not real. Do we only enjoy playing what we don't fully understand, and once we achieve enlightenment we begin to loose enjoyment.
  15. Its probably to the benefit of the leadwerks community as a whole that you don't have a book on lua. you will try things for yourself, ask the community a question, get others to try and find answers or workarounds, and every one can learn either by looking through the recent posts, or searching for the same issues, the knowledge base becomes a valuable tool for the whole community.
  16. If you find the map in the leadwerks\backup folder its going to be the name you gave it plus -backupn.map where the n is a version number. just copy it back to the leadwerks\projects\whateverourprojectwas\maps folder - You can rename the maps to get the name correct . Open it if its still empty try again with an earlier version.
  17. You have probably switched Leadweks from beta back to release. I think josh updated something internal in the map that updates the version of the map in the beta version, which means it wont load in the release version. You either have to go back to using the beta version, or use the back up folder when you last used the map in the release.
  18. I might not use Time:Delay(10000) as it will pause your game for 10 seconds. You could be doing other useful things in the background like loading the first map. If you get the current time, add 10000 and store it in TenSecondsFromNow you could then process what you need to then check if the current time > TenSecondsFromNow, if it is let the game continue.
  19. @beo6, thanks for the alternative. In my case I only perform the check when an entity is dead. The two approaches will ideally give the same results, subtracting 1 from a total, is obviously way faster than an entity scan and totalling up each side every time one dies. The subtlety is one method catches all the ones that die and subtracts 1 from a total as part of that function, and the other counts all those that are alive and in play. As long as I remember to update the counter every time something dies or is born, or is resurrected, both methods will give the same answers. The government have the same problems with population count, people arrive, leave, born, die, countries vote for independence so could leave taking all their population with them, but every 10 years they check the totals with a census. Having both methods have their uses, just use them at the right time.
  20. You can try and make the GetEntityNeighbors.lua more efficient for your usage. The callback function WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallback(entityextra) will insert entity into the global WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallbackTable. if you let it default it will add every entity that has a script in range of the current entity into the table, but not itself. Assume your zombies are all in range. so for 5 zombies the table would be built with 4 zombies 5 times. ie 20 inserts. for 10 zombies the table would be built with 9 zombies 10 times, ie 90 insrters. for 20 zombies the table would be built with 19 zombies 20 times , ie 380 inserts. for 100 zombies the table would be built with 99 zombies 100 times, ie 9900 inserts. So if you select the entiries you need to process, ie you are not interested in members of the same team being added to the table, then don't insert them. In LOSW - LastOneStandingWins I use this function WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallback(entity,extra) if entity~=extra then if entity.script~=nil then --opposing team members if ((entity.script.teamid==1) and (extra.script.teamid==2)) or ((entity.script.teamid==2) and (extra.script.teamid==1)) then if entity.script.health > 0 then -- who are alive table.insert(WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallbackTable,entity) end end end end end so only opposing team members who are alive are inserted. This immediately halves the size of the tables, and other saving are made as the level progresses. Other changes made also considered that I was more likely to target an entity that was close by, so what happens if I set the radius to a quarter of its normal distance. Even fewer neighbours would be inserted, but I was going to pick someone closer to me anyway. So I performed a quick local check, and if that found nothing, I performed the full check. This two stage approach meant that as zombies are fighting, they are typically stood near their opponent. So the first check would return entries in the table. If nothing was found the second check would scan the whole area, and end up chasing another entity. If there was no entities, on the second check then there was a winner.
  21. I think Josh fixed the throwing LMB issue recently in the beta build.
  22. Hi, After so many new entries have been added for the Winter Games competition, the leadwerks community could try the games and give feedback on what they like or dislike about the way the game plays, looks, or if it has any bugs. This feedback is valuable an can be used by the developer to build on the efforts already made. Some of us will be wanting to know if they should continue with their development, try changing it in some way, or abandon it and move on to a new project. Some things may be simple changes, like the change the music, or save my settings. Or much more work is required in designing an appropriate number of levels. More interaction in the gameplay. More challenge. Placement of earned bonuses being able to customise the maps. Spending points on items from NPCs. Graphics, physics, multiplayer improvement required. If users enjoy playing the game, would they pay to play it if it was on the store, or would they only play if it was free, and would the support it being Greenlit.
  23. For a good source of code using tables, refer to the GetEntityNeighbors.lua which can be found in Scripts Functions. Its one of the more complex pieces of LUA code in leadwerks, but if you take your time to follow what it does you can make some useful functions. Here is one pair of additional functions that I used in LastOneStandingWins to get the number of zombies and crawlers still alive in the level. It uses a axis aligned bounding box 100m from the centre in all directions, and calls the call back for each entity found. In this simplifed callback fundtion the table processing has been removed, as its not required. WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallbackTable = nil GetEntityNeighborsScriptedOnly=false NumCrawlers=nil NumZombies=nil function WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallbackTeamAlive(entity) if entity~=nil then if entity.script~=nil then --team members if (entity.script.teamid==1) then if entity.script.health > 0 then -- who are alive NumCrawlers = NumCrawlers + 1 end elseif (entity.script.teamid==2) then if entity.script.health > 0 then -- who are alive NumZombies = NumZombies + 1 end end end end end function GetTeamScore(entity) -- How many members of the specified team are alive local aabb = AABB() local p = Vec3(0,0,0) -- centre of world NumCrawlers=0 NumZombies=0 aabb.min = p - 100 aabb.max = p + 100 aabb:Update() entity.world:ForEachEntityInAABBDo(aabb,"WorldGetEntitiesInAABBDoCallbackTeamAlive") return NumCrawlers,NumZombies end its driven from MonsterAI.lua in SetMode(mode) when the mode is "dead" and in Start() with this line of code. App:SetScores(GetTeamScore(self.entity)) This Function is added in App.lua function App:SetScores(numCrawlers,numZombies) if numCrawlers == nil then StartingCrawlers = 1000 else StartingCrawlers = numCrawlers end if numZombies == nil then StartingZombies = 1000 else StartingZombies = numZombies end end You can also tweak the way the AI works by updating GetEntityNeighbors, for instance only storing opposing team members in the table,and setting a much smaller distance, so the stored entities are localised. to the current entity. This means a smaller table and therefore processing faster and more efficiently. If this returns no entries scan again but with a much bigger distance that encompases the whole map, and this typically only gets called as the area empties. Doing this allowed me to have over 20 per team and keep up a reasonable frame rate early in each level, and use Lua script.
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