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Evil Resident

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Everything posted by Evil Resident

  1. Good day everyone Say I have a common wall between two rooms and each corresponding face have a defferent texture. Is there a way to apply one texture to a face and another texture for the other face of a brush? Or I just make two brushes (one for each room) like i'm doing right now? Or should I model these two texture walls in Blender? I'm asking because I was thinking about the number of assets I putting in my game and trying to keep it low. Thanks Ok sorry, I've found my answer . I thinck it was too simple.
  2. Look's absolutely not inviting . Realy nice work
  3. Marvalous, It works like a charm. I never been so amused getting in and out of an elevator. Thanks
  4. I will keep that in mind Thanks
  5. Hey thanks. That looks like a great idea, never would have thought of that. I will give it a go.
  6. Good day everyone Ok, I have this problem... I'm trying to animate a elevator using the sliding door script. When I set the physic shap to box it works, the elevator goes up, but I can't go in (not surprising). When I set my physic shape to polymesh or using my shape file, the elevator dosen't do anything. Why is that ? Any suggestions?
  7. In my opinnion, game ready assets are a good way of making a good and representative mockup of your game when developping it but lack the fexibility to achieve what you have in mind for your final product (haaa this asset is pretty mutch what I want but... it's not exactly what I want). The day I will be happy with my game prototype, i'm going to change the assets and behaviors for my own. It's a longer path to take, but you have something that is original and unique. A game is a work of art. If all games are made with all the same things, there all going to look like they came from the same mixing machine.
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