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  1. Thanks Guppy, I was also looking for description of other two parameters. The description on that link http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetinput-r706 should be fixed.
  2. Thanks, Genebris. That also worked for me. Seem that documentation differs from reality. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/prefab/prefabload-r622 states "When the prefab is loaded, any entities in the hierarchy with a script attached to them will have the Start() function called."
  3. Hello, I have the next problem, maybe someone can help me. I want to create a weapon prefab. I got mdl file with all the animations. But that model was oriented differently than standard FPSPlayer.lua expects. So I created a pivot point with appropriate orientation and attached the whole model to this point.I have attached a script no to the top level pivot point but to the weapon model that is a child of a pivot point. Save scene as prefab. To the FPSPlayer.lua script in another scene I have attached this prefab as a weapon. And when I start a game Script:Start in the prefab weapon is not called leaving uninitialized some parameters that lately causes errors. So I have several questions. Is start method is some special method? What conditions should be met to make Start called? What is the best way to initialize parameters in the prefab? Thanks.
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