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  1. That is good and I have been using this, but I was just referring to Lua wikis in general. A prompt tool in the editor would be a great addition. Like I said I have a decent understanding of the syntax but knowing what commands to use where to do what I am wanting would be welcomed. Back to researching
  2. Hello, Ive been working off and on on learning the in and out of Leadwerks but I am running into a problem when it comes to scripting in lua. You see while I understand the basic syntax of the language I am having trouble using the built in editor due to the fact that I am having trouble with the technical command terms. I have a hard time with spelling some of these terms like transform and others I simply cant remember if they even exist without combing through the wiki. So does the built in editor have a option to bring up a list of suggested commands like if one types in a "t" it will bring up a list of all commands that begin with the letter t. Or is there another editor all together exist that will do this? Basically I need this to be idiot proofed, thanks.
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