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Andrew Rowe

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  1. Quick question, what is UU3Pro, not even my programmer knows what it is. What if it helps, then it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. The game itself isnt hard to make even though we havent made a game yet, but we know that it will take a while to compile all together and set the controls, and network commands into it afterwords. we got this.
  3. just as huge as making it for the PC normally, just some extra effort but definatly worth it in the end B)
  4. yup i just hope my xbox live account can get the word out so that people can try it.
  5. yeah i see what you mean, we are making it for the PC also, I have someone setting up a site so that if you sign up, well send you the game once you pay, or in the email.
  6. We are developing the basis of the game with LE, then we transform it into an indie game, what some people dont know, is that you still get % of sales with indie games even though it isnt a full title.
  7. thats funny, but if everything is already done with LE, Ive seen how easy it is to make the controls with every console, maybe 20-50 lines of code on average.
  8. All we need to do is make everything incept for the controls for the controller becuause XNA has that built in, so when we transfer, all is needed is a few commands that tell what the contoller has to do for each part of the game. By the way, my company is a bunch of teens lol.
  9. So, im not the programmer, im the level designer and founder of the company, but if my programmer did, would levels, charactors, and all art assets be compatable with XNA since its written in a different file format?
  10. I am wanting to transfer the whole application to XNA game studio, but i dont know if you can and it will work. you see, we are wanting to make indie games for xbox live and we were wondering if you could move all assets and code to XNA from here when we are done. I know that we are writing in the right language because XNA runs in C#. Thanks, B) Bloody Rose Games Inc.
  11. I'm a new company trying to get us off to a good start and i think that if they make leadwerks cross platform, it could be the engine we'de use our whole game design career.
  12. Does the leadwerks engine support both large and a large number of servers, like say modern warfare 2?
  13. I still think they should give it a shot and see how it goes for a while.
  14. Now imagine this, making leadwerks a cross platform game engine. The capability of it would skyrocket with popularity, the only reason major companies such as epic games or Crysis wont use it is becuase you can't make PS3 or Xbox 360 games with it, if you were able to, i'm pretty sure more and more people would use this fabulous engine.
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