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Everything posted by wh1sp3r

  1. MY installer doesn't show number of files so It's not my updater
  2. about intelisense, you can use LEO addition. It uses VS intelinse .. It's class sets
  3. yes, i was trying load models on the background and it was crashing, so, threading will be very good.
  4. blows me away: like, he flew away, lol
  5. wh1sp3r

    How to Start ?

    Have you tried to make something in LE ?
  6. Hi I am little confused about this function. I made a plain in 3ds max, loaded it into LE and got vertex's position That's ok, but when i rotated plain in 3ds max and loaded it again, it still returns same values I have object with three meshes. One mesh contains lots of plaines. I need to face them to the camera. I can read 4 values for one polygon and calculate new positions.. with this problem, I am not able calculate it, lol. thanks for ideas answers.
  7. what ? Can you ask again a more clearer ? Are you using evaluation version ?
  8. mikedee: I understand to you. Perhaps, there should be limited evaluation version with ability to program, test etc.
  9. perhaps, you should buy this fantastic engine and not download evaluation verison from pirate forums, DAMN.
  10. loooooool of course NOT ;-)
  11. but i think, no looks at the trees, no shadows on transparent parts, perhaps it needs some shader hacks
  12. Oukey Problem solved. Now, we have to wait on Josh, when he upload new version to the Downloads section ;-) Knows bugs: i was lazy to make exceptions, so if connection to a proxy failed, app will crash
  13. ok, looks like, i have a solution for you. You are connected via proxy too to see this webpage i guess, so i can get your proxy data from IE and it should work
  14. Hi omid, i know, you are one, who needs to be connected via proxy (strange, you can't fully access internet, but It's different story) Actually, i have no idea at the moment, because i can't try, if proxy is working, i just haven't any, lol but i will look into it. Í will PM you.
  15. Hi, I made this installer for people, who has problem with official one. If you have any problems with my installer, write it here. if you have a problem run this updater, check, if you have Microsoft Framework installed (at least 3.0) and if updater says "Incorrect password or connection failed", try it with administrators rights, it should work. Updater is in Downloads section. ;-)
  16. wh1sp3r

    .NET Headers

    uninstall it ,lol, IT's still bugged.
  17. you should not post this link into forums use your lickey, not forums creds.....
  18. I am hosting a file, so if you have problem with downloading, PM me or write it here
  19. don't forgot, Josh has to sleep too, lol
  20. just wait you can go out for a walk for example and not sit in front of PC whole day, lol :D
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