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Everything posted by mspike

  1. Oh, yeah, maybe I have seen that on my windows machine, I will double check on my Fedora too. Do you have a short cut for delete ? (I mean hotkey)
  2. I think the second one is possible, I think I did it already with one of the buttons... or do I misunderstand you ?
  3. Hello, I really like the framework, but in the editor (on Linux) I have a couple of things which drives me crazy Delete key does not trigger delete... so no hot key SpinBox-es does not allow to use the mouse wheel, neither you can hold the up or down arrow, so I always have to write numbers if I want to change big in the amount. Of course I'm running on an unsupported Fedora, with XFCE so if someone could confirm that the situation is the same on the Ubunut, that would give a big help... (for these things I'm ready to reinstall my system ) Opinions ? Other things you realized ? Thanks a lot for this great framework ! (Just pulled some objects from blender, crazy how well this works...)
  4. Stupid question, where can I change my avatar ? I checked my profile, any looks like I can't
  5. wow, supper cool support you have here guys. Thanks for the info !
  6. So you just use it on your project files directly ? That means for me that you have to stop the editor before you switch branch for example, or am I wrong ? Will the framework sense and reload files if they change outside of the tool ?
  7. Hello, just an idea, or feature request or more likely a question. Are you planning to add git / svn or other svm support into the system ? I think that would be super usefull. Br, Peter.
  8. Yeah, I like that kind of attitude... who cares I paid for the hardware, and I'm free to pick Linux, but hey we can ignore Linux as its not a mandatory operating system nowadays I even met with some guys who thought that Linux was before dos... (in order I mean...)
  9. Meh, too bad. Anyway I have an other machine to work with, so this wont be in the way Thansk for the fast reply.
  10. Stupid question, any way to start the program on linux with Intel card ? Thanks in advance ! Its an - Intel HD Graphics 4000, so I think opengl version should be okay...
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