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  1. this is what I wanted to know. so the c# header are quite up to date... good to know
  2. thanks guys really nice community here
  3. thanks guys nice folks here around perhaps we see us soon in the protected forum corners looks like the stuff i am looking for one more can i create a level in the editor and load it in my ownc# code this chapter is protected in the wiki
  4. sounds great last question.. about performance.. how is the performance? in some forums the guys report of a lack of performance (because it is build with blitzbasic)
  5. i downloaded the demo when i start a blnak project and run it there is a gun can i only make FPS with leadwerks? or how can i disable the gun`? by the way.. looks cool. please answer my open questions and i buy it
  6. thanks.. now i found them.. under bodies. at the moment i own DBpro, with DarkAI,Darkphysics and many more addons i look for a better alternative... which i could use in c#. can i write c# scripts or add them in the sandbox? like this: i write a c# script (in VS or within sandbox) like an event for a trigger.. add this event to a box in the sandbox and test it there... (like unity). can I create a light in sandbox / editor, load this level in c# code and change the properties of the light and other objects within code? is this possible with Leadwerks? so what is on the roeadmap?
  7. thanks for the reply i want to use it in c#.did i read somewhere the c# is official?? hm. i want official support .. where can I find the physic classes (here i dont see them: ) http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
  8. hi friends can I useLeadwerks only as API? Do everything within code? load my level, create objects (boxes,..) in code. can i create my own loop in code input update render is this possible? . where can I find the physic classes (here i dont see them: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page) how up to date are the c# headers?
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