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  1. Isn't the definition of ANY game engine a library of APIs?
  2. Does the engine generate random terrain like the CryEngine? I know ultimate control is the best, but sometimes refining random generation is even more elegant. EDIT: I'd only just found out that LE was capable of this yesterday. Been messing around with the demo to make sure it is truly the engine I want, and I must say, it's very nice, very elegant, and very in front of most other engines.
  3. Hi all, On the Leadwerks Specifications Page, the recommended requirements say nVidia GeForece 8800 or ATI RADEON HD 5870. On the Wiki Requirements however, the recommended requirements are a GeForce 8800 or RADEON HD 4870. Now to anyone who hasn't been keeping up with the latest GPU technologies, the jump from the 4800 series to the 5800 series is a huge jump (DirectX 10[.1] to DirectX 11 + a couple of billion transistors). When I first read GeForce 8800, I took it as the Ultra because of the 5870 listed next to it. But even a single overclocked 8800 Ultra will only match or perhaps just exceed the regular 4870 in terms of benchmarking scores (and thus real time scores). Then you've got the GTX, GTS and GT models which probably would only match a 4850 at best. I'm assuming that the 5970 (that is, five) was a typo, and I'm fairly confident about it, seeing as my single 4890 was able to run the 2.3 demo rather nicely a while back. I'm not meaning to be condescending or anything - I'm helping point out a minor technicality that may deter people with less-powerful cards. Cheers!
  4. Wonderful! Free stuff is always welcome, especially with a very restricted budget. I'll be bookmarking that page
  5. So which of the following would I be best off with? My game is going to be open-landscape: very few enclosed areas. - 3DWS - Cartography Shop (obviously handy as it's free) - L3DT - T.ED - FreeWorld 3D Obviously L3DT and CS are the best, as they're free, but it would be pretty silly of me to start using a program that can't make compatible worlds with LE. Rather than me having to ask all of these cumbersome questions, is there a list that I could be directed to, so that questions like these can be answered by reading? I've used Google for a couple of hours, but maybe I'm not typing in the right stuff. Cheers!
  6. So 3DWS is not a level editor. Thank you very much! I've just downloaded Cartography Shop (thanks again!). What are the main differences between the two? Cheers!
  7. Hi all, I'm going to be purchasing Leadwerks very soon and need to know if 3D World Studio is included or needed if it isn't. The tech demo made it seem that it wasn't too clear. Cheers!
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