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  1. OK, thanks for the info. I'll do some experimenting with the suggested methods.
  2. Hi. Is there any way in either the Leadwerks engine or the Lua implementation to open a webpage URL in the user's default web browser. Basically I'm looking to shell execute a URL. For example, in Blitz3D I can use the code:- Execfile "http://www.leadwerks.com/" to shell execute the specified URL which will open the webpage in the user's default web browser. In a project for a free advergame I'm working on in Blitz3D I have a couple of main menu links to open the game project's website and to open the website for the advertised product. I'm considering porting that project to Leadwerks, but if I can't open a webpage from my program then it ends up being a deal killer for an advertising supported game.
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