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  1. Hi Perhaps someone could enlighten me how I can get my wonderful landscape out of the editor and in to my game program BlitzMax or C++ traditional some code would be nice but please keep it simple I’m not using oops thanks
  2. Hi Have made a model of a TFT Monitor using max9 when I try to export it as gmf using Alex Arbuznikov leadwerks tool I get this error “ there was an error during export objects” I have also tried to export as fbx this exports ok but cause a error in leadwerks model viewer Could someone tell me how I can attach a file to a post I get the error that I do not have permission to attach files. thanks
  3. Hi This is what I like about being here at the Leadweks forum the way you get prompt replies. DaDonik: I do have a little programming experience in C/C++ /Blitzbasic but I could never get my head around OOP the code just seams to look so complicated, but to tell the truth I have made a Pong game and side scrolling games and small Windows tools for work, but never a 3D game, its like I have already mentioned in a previous post making the basic design Of a 3D game where to put all the parts and then organisation of a 3D game seams somewhat daunting I know that most people here are seasoned programmers by some of the posts I read here at Leadwerks forum I read somewhere that Josh is writing Tutorials and I like the way he’s labelled the tutorials (Beginner and so on) perhaps some one could write a tutorial on organisation. Well thanks again and a happy new year to all.
  4. Hi Any thoughts on this which language would be the best to run the Leadwerks engine, There seems to be quite a choice of languages I mean really does the language affect the speed of the compiled final release program.
  5. Hi everyone Just like to say hello and Happy Christmas to all, as I’ am new to this forum I find it some what difficult to find my way to some of the information that I’ am seeking a beginner’s area Would be good or is everybody here an expert? I have some ‘C’ knowledge/ Blitz basic I’ am more of a musician and artist than a programmer so this the level I’ m on I must also say how much I like the Leadwerk engine I have gone through the tutorial pages and done the tutorials but I need more This is what I’d like to know There seems to be a GameLib where can it be downloaded and how do implement it I was at the GameLib page but there’s no way of downloading it. There is something called framework this is in the SDK same question as above how is framework implemented I know there’s a page for framework but for a beginner that knows nothing its not that helpful without simple examples. Has anybody here completed a project with Leadwerk engine if so could some one write? A simple game tutorial I would prefer it written in C/C++ but that’s just me Let me just get one thing clear here I’ am not at Leadwerk to write the next MMOG Or Dragon Age my goal is to have 3D art for my music. I hope some one can help and that this post doesn’t come over to arrogant or Ignorant
  6. Hi I do not appear to have the rock node which is mentioned in the tutorial I have a fresh SDK 2.3 install still no rock node Any Ideas
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