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  1. Thx for the detailed information and example. it works now
  2. Thx for your help, i´m half way there i guess, but stumbling the last steps. SetResponse() is also not documented, or is it me? Anyway, i wrote the Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Character, Collision.Collide) in the start function of the turret script. The same script contains if (self.entity.world:Pick(source, target, pickinfo, 0, true, 10)) then is the pick operation in the updateworld function the self.entity:SetCollisionType(10) is for my case not necessary ? Because the character model should stay as collision type character and the pick ray is defined as type 10. I´ve tried some constellations how to setup the scripts, but it still dont work.
  3. Hello@all, according to Aggror Project Saturn Tutorial about the implementation of a enemy turret, i have some problems with the raycast detections and the collision types. the scene is setup with the fpsplayer prefab, some csg shapes and the fpsautopistol.mdl with a directional light as muzzlefash. i enhanced the turret script with additional informations from pickinfo class if(self.fireRateTimer > self.fireRate) then local pickinfo = PickInfo() local source = self.entity:GetPosition() local target = Transform:Point(Vec3(0,0,self.WeaponRange),self.entity,nil) if (self.entity.world:Pick(source, target, pickinfo, 0, true, Collision.Prop)) then local text = pickinfo.entity:GetKeyValue("name","default") --the object that was picked local hit = pickinfo.entity:GetPosition(true) -- the global position of the object local point = self.entity:GetPosition() -- the position of the turret local dis = point:DistanceToPoint(hit) --the distance from turret to the object System:Print(hit) System:Print(text) System:Print(dis) pickinfo.entity:Hide() --so when the entity itself is disappearing, i can figure out which it is ;) end When the turret is doing the pick operation the informations which are stored in the hit, point, dis variables looks fine for me, just the text returns "default".(this means the entity has no name property) My FpsPlayer has a name assigned, so i guess whatever the pick is hitting, it is not the fpsplayer. i extented the script with the line: pickinfo.entity:Hide() and the first "pick" hits something and after second "pick" the csg shape below my charctercontroller disappers How can i figure out what was picked(for curiosity) and then doing the correct collision type for the raycast only intersect with the character controller. i remember there was table with the collision types but i couldnt find it. Thanks for any help
  4. Hi, yesterday i purchased the Nature Model Pack in Steam during the Summer Sale .All seems to be fine within Steam after i payed it, i started LE and tried to install the DLC. The Nature Model Pack was listed in the Workhop/Purchased Section, but when i hit the Install Button nothing happend. So i closed LE and restarted Steam. After that i noticed that LE was updating(about 86mb) and i tried to install the DLC again. This time i got Message Window(Failed to download Workhop item) and an error message: Item state says it´s not downloaded. I did a Files check in Steam for LE and also reinstalled LE, but the issue persists. Anyone Ideas what is wrong? Edit: figured it out, had to press the install button in the DLC tab, not within Browser/Purchased
  5. Yes, sure, Leadwerks Company says, you purchasesed this Software and its Royalty free and also allowed to sell it( in simple words and sry english is not my native language), but Steam says: you acquired Leadwerks through Steam and its forbidden to use it for business purposes, only private use.
  6. Section 5 of Steam subscriber agreement says: (.....) Some third party application software is capable of being used by businesses for business purposes - however, you may only acquire such software via Steam for private personal use. Leadwerks 3.x is only available in Steam, so it is forbidden to sell any Programms created with Leadwerks 3.x?
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