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Everything posted by MarkusR

  1. yesterday at testing some connection in one struct did not saved (or not loaded) did not saved did not saved did not saved saved problem gone in all maps.
  2. in theory good but in practice the engine make a short circuit. <- my synonym for loops there is a optimize.map if u hit the key 1,2,3,4,5 it start the zomie with one follow call and the frame rate drop very much. the framerate without zombies seems also abnormal low. with sync false is it ~70 frames. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B942ivL2fTGcQ0E1Zkc2ZDdhX1U&authuser=0
  3. hmm, unhappy coincidence with the amd driver or maybe it is possible to start a drag twice at the same time by mouse events?
  4. arrgg, after i open the flow graph and want drag a struct to the middle i got exeption once and the editor closed. maybe my mouse raise some unwanted events in a row.
  5. ok, error message is gone can close
  6. it was called once and not in a loop, i used debug outputs at screen with a counter. i will try again and see if something changed.
  7. now i get this at end of game running. i level up the water a bit but it still flicker sometimes.
  8. hmm would say ringing need a function Script:Stop() --in then drag from phone to stop at use. but why u not use one script for the phone?
  9. hmm, but it was the typical manner. the driver 14.9 is one year old (9/29/2014), maybe a newer or last one make a difference.
  10. is this inv. water plane a mesh? if so it need to divide into more triangles.
  11. it was up to date from steam and update files at the time i start the thread. there is a ~620mb zip in the link above. the gamecopy.map is with water.
  12. the map file is enough? here is the link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B942ivL2fTGcQ0E1Zkc2ZDdhX1U&authuser=0
  13. water disappear. maybe the water mesh need to divide more.
  14. @gamecreator, thanks for your offer. i wrote a simple converter for level up my map. (source code in monkey) Import mojo Import brl Import brl.FileSystem Function Main:Int() Local f:FileStream Local f2:FileStream f=FileStream.Open("monkey://data/hmap.r16", "r" ) f2=FileStream.Open("monkey://internal/hmout.r16", "w" ) Print f.Length() Local short:Int While Not f.Eof() short=f.ReadShort() short=short+1024 f2.WriteShort( short ) Wend f.Close() f2.Close() Return 1 End
  15. @gamecreator,in photoline it looks good, i made it brighter there but the raw export there is more a camera format.
  16. hm, i can load this raw file into my graphics app but the raw save file i can not load back into engine... also seems bmp is not supported at import. because 8bit only.
  17. yes, make sense, this happens to me also. instead of cursor maybe direct at the 3d axis view.
  18. hmm ok, i had expected a heightmap is only used to create the initial mesh. i think i can export the heightmap image, change it and import it again, then pull the scene up.
  19. why did the min height not allowed negative values? can not make a hole in my current level for the new water plane.
  20. or hold a key and some tool icons appear beside mouse pointer.
  21. i prefer a duplicate as instance, independent, use original modell menu/button and the object get a info label what kind it is. means not changes from the object properties itself. just a context menu in scene tree view. i like also exchange modells materials in scene editor
  22. this amounts to 2 tree views, one for render hirachy and one for user management.
  23. my suggestion with tags & filter would help too without touching the scene hirachy. handling parts of the scene hierarchy is more important than the hierarchy itself.
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