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The Color Red

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Everything posted by The Color Red

  1. I'm Not sure if you have played Little Big Planet, but it isn't a 2D game, that is a 3D game...
  2. I was thinking about getting the Engine, mainly because I am on linux, and it looks like cool Engine! But I have a few questions first: When buying, what versions does that pertain to? The current major version and it's sub-versions only? The current major version and other major versions? Other [*]I am thinking of a game, and I would like to use a toon like shader, (Much like this) does the program come with something like that? [*]I saw that there were tools for making levels, with stairs, walls, floors etc. It mainly looked like for building the insides of buildings. My game is going to be a 3d side scroller like Super Smash Bros, Marvel vs Capcom, Little Big Planet, etc. and take place on fictional landscapes (such as clouds as platforms). Does the level building tool work for that? Or will I have to custom make those in a 3D program? [*]What kind of support is there for making "In game" menus such as speech bubbles or information menus that explain how to climb a wall (for example) or anything else similar? [*]When importing a FBX, do the textures automatically import and get assigned to the proper object? That is all I can think of for now...
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