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Everything posted by Sakru

  1. Sakru

    Common Bottlenecks

    You never need more then 22 bones/joints for your game character. Simple rule: 4 bones in each hand (3 + 1 in clavicle) 4 bones in each leg (2 + 1 in calcaneus + 1 phalanx bone) 6 bones for spine (5 + 1 in cervical curve) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
  2. Sakru

    Common Bottlenecks

    By the way, about "shadows". I will recommend to use Ambient Occlusion. It saves many FPS. Dying Light uses it everywhere and character ( and zombie too ) don't cast shadows in some areas at all.
  3. 2 days of work....Hand painted 8k polygons. (UPDATE: 5.6k Triangles after retopo ) Ready for animation.
  4. Well i'am asking about IDE support for Linux platform. Visual C compiler is only available on Windows and have nothing to do with Leadwerks at all in it's original mater. And by the way, i think KDevelop is much more IDE then Code::Blocks on Linux platform.
  5. Totally agree. I love Jet-brains products. Clion is my first C/C++/C# IDE on Linux.
  6. Hi, have anyone tried compile project in Clion? Will it compile or it work only with Code::Blocks and VisualStudio?
  7. Some zombieeee! ( work in progress ) and DINO ( work in progress ) =)
  8. Tried to create some simple model with simple animation, only to find out how hard is it when it is 4 legs... https://sketchfab.com/models/7dfe16a2ffe2482499835bedaef31d58
  9. I understand that, but, maybe it is a good idea to move from GTK? For example to QT?
  10. But anyway, i do not want to tell that Leadwerks is bad and Josh doesn't doing his work. This project is proof that one guy can create this big project by himself. The only problem with that is, lack of support. Anyway, you are all right. What is the best for me is not always best for anyone else.
  11. Well, then i can tell you, that you dont know what are you talking about. All AMD users will never be able to play any Leadwerks game, because the bugs with shaders which i see on all platforms from Windows to Linux.. And noone is interested in fixing them. But everything working great in others projects. Same thing with Editor and functionality, on different platforms. For example on Linux. If you dont find many bugs, than maybe you are not working on the same level as i do.
  12. Reported this in October 2015. Will you fix it?
  13. I never told anyone to do this my way... Car example is very bad. When you own a car, it is up to you how you want it to look, where to fix/do it yourself and so on. I like Leadwerks, but right now it dose not fit my needs. I have many bugs with it and i know that Josh will never fix them. They are on all levels, from Editor to Core. And i dont want to spend years by waiting Josh to fix them. What i tried to tell, it is up to you, if you want to learn API just do it. But in my opinion you will learn much more about how everything works and how to optimize or design when you doing it by yourself. And if i want to build a RTS game, why do i need to be worried about wrong design, which doesn't fit my RTS design????? I could make this list very long, and everything have to do with Leadwerks closed sourse.
  14. Mihaid, i can only tell you one thing. Game creation is like programming. You need to see the end result. I have my game on paper but i found that with all this game engines and tech on the market, it is very hard to succed. Just because the design is only sutible for large teams(from 5 to 50). If you would ask me, my answer is: without any understanding about how game engine, OpenGl/GLSL works you will never be able to make it to the end. I have buld my own rendering engine with all tech i need and i work on my own tools right now. You cannot even imagene how much you could do by yourself. I dont tell you that Leadwerks is bad. But i fell that the only way to learn and understand what you can do is to begin from scratch.
  15. default shader witch comes with Leadwerks.
  16. I don’t know if it is a bug, but instead of show leaves ( texture shadow ) it show sprites?
  17. Hi! Do you use a diffrend editor theme?
  18. If you ask me, I can create something for free. PM me if you need new zombies, I have mocap at home so I could animate it and stuff. (FOR FREE).
  19. Sakru

    Vegetation Update

    Josh will we have any brushes too paint with grass/tree/stone models in terrain editor?
  20. Do editor support SteamOS?
  21. Just testing normals with some random material. 3k faces.
  22. No, i will do Retopo in 3D-Coat so it will be low poly with detailed bump map.
  23. Thank you! And here is some model I work on for my friends game.
  24. Nice!! I want to try it out=). Do you have it on Launcher?
  25. Yeah I am too interested in how to do it.
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