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Everything posted by epsilonion

  1. @ Shadmar Great work as usual mate.. I am getting interested in learning how to make my own shaders, is there any good tutorials out there?
  2. Wish I could animate, tried several times but it gives me headache lol...
  3. I have just been looking through the steamworks documentation and i am wondering if the matchmaking & game loby stuff is available through leadwerks?
  4. I really really wish you would continue this tutorial set, I know its by far the best learning resource for leadwerks out there..
  5. I have merged my photography business (limited company) into eve lbs studio to offer more services under one house (name). I intend to get a gallery of textures build up for use with my models using the photography department..
  6. I am just wondering if the project saturn videos are continuing? I have found them very helpful like so many people and was just wondering if there are plans to finish the tutorials?
  7. i wanted to upload a few assets: I zipped them up and did a render in LW opened the screenshot folder and used that JPG as the Preview. Navigated to the zipfile, wrote a description and click publish I get the error = File extension "png" is not allowed even though its a jpg file... hmm any help on this?
  8. Resource Gathering I am thinking about resource gathering in the sense of cutting down trees, hitting rocks for minerals etc. I don't know if this would be the right way of going about this but here is what I am thinking. My Idea This is my idea to try and get it working. Place a tree on a terrain with polymesh physics, link a script that gives the tree a health value and if health <=0 then hide the tree and show a log model. In the log model link a pickup script so that the log is placed into the inventory. When my inventory is full then you go back to the storage building and transfer the resources to a storage box. So I dont run out of trees I was thinking about something like a timer on the tree that once the tree health <=0 then in say 40 mins the tree model is shown again (working on a 20 mins day cycle and 20 mins night cycle) Problem With me been new to this (and so many others on here) I would love to know where to start with my LUA scripting, I did purchase the standard version some time ago but I wanted to try to get my head around doing this in lua before I venture into the C++ side of things.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Base building I just thought I would share my idea for simple base building as well. Basically place the buildings on the map and hide them in the base area, once the crafting menu has been entered then I can search to see if enough resources have been collected and if so then the the base building can be created, this means taking away the resources from the inventory and showing the building. The fixed locations of the buildings may take away some element of enjoyment but its a learning curve Thank you in advance
  9. Assets mainly, I have used hexagon 2 and some other programs but wanted to give 3dcoat a go but I suck at it lol...
  10. I have this problem as well..
  11. Wish I could get my head around using 3DCoat, bought it messed around with it then not used it since... lol been looking at zbrush videos and yeah not going to bother, I am not artistic at all.. lol Your assets look great by the way
  12. I had a lua stack overflow on changing level so I did the fix below and now I get another error this time in the fpsgun.lua. In FPSPlayer.lua, find this line: ReleaseTableObjects(self.weapons) And replace it with this: local k,v for k,v in pairs(self.weapons) do v:Release() end New Error: in fpsgun.lua
  13. Sounds about right, I think this is the final hurdle that I face, I have my head around everything else..
  14. I have grown and expanded a lot within the past month with leadwerks and think I have most things figured out, then today lol... I finally got a Character model imported with all the animations, looking good.. I looked at the animation manager and the MonsterAI script, my problem is I have not touched animations like this before so I have no idea where to start or what I am looking for or even at tbh. I have modified the MonsterAI.lua script so my character follows me around etc but it would be great to know why and how it follows you about, then there's that when he gets into hitting distance and the game crashes..... Basically what I am looking for is a character see's me moves to a range of me then stands still faces me and does a weapon firing animation, I am having problems figuring it out looking at them two script... I think this would be a great one for a tutorial as most new people like myself would benefit from it, instead of asking the same question over and over.. Thank you in advance..
  15. Currently working on level design for my FPS/Space Simulator I have started - Universal. I have also applied for patents, Trademark and copyright for the project The SUBWAY Prototype of one of the small hangers I have loads of levels to make (face palm)... lol
  16. Just updated my review with the 2015 roadmap... Hopefully this helps people to decide to buy.... buy..... buy.... lol
  17. epsilonion


    Where can I find the road map matey?
  18. I am trying to create a settings menu and I have looked it up in Lua online and it says to use the GUI:LoadResourceFile("Dialogs/MenuSystem.xml") https://www.projectanarchy.com/guis-lua would this be possible in LE? I have tried using examples of lua code from the websites before and its not been possible.
  19. Theres nothing stopping you opening your own store and letting people upload there scripts etc. Its already been done by paying for the FloGUI? think the name is... If you have a fair few assets and want to sell them then open your own store and allow people to upload to there, set there own prices etc, if that is what you are asking for... Then there will be two resource types free Steam workshop and your store...
  20. I would like to know the standards and units for using 3ds max char height, meters, cm, mm etc if you can help please..
  21. thankyou very much for your help... its a learning curve all this lol...
  22. I have books on asset design and texture optimization but I would like to learn lua so I dont have to keep asking stupid questions.. lol Is there a Book for LeadWerks yet? I already have books on C++ etc....
  23. Thats a good idea, I have another splash screen after this one so that will come in handy.. Thank you
  24. there we go just added it to the original post..
  25. Hi guys, I made a menu, loaded in a background file for test purposes and assigned a few menu items Start Settings Exit When the program first starts a flag is set to 1 so the menu appears when the program has loaded up. Then it goes into a while loop, while the flag is = 1, then theirs a if block for the menu items. this is where it gets funny.. I have assigned keys to the menu as well as mouse positions, if the mouse is in location and left button is pressed or the T key is pressed then re size the screen to full screen. It works when you press the T key but when you click it, it re-sizes the screen but does not call the menu draw function again to re-size the menu background and text. its wierd because it works if I don't put the menu draw in its own function but then it will not re-size the background or the menu text because it can not be called from the if bock.. I have attached the lua file. App.rar
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