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Everything posted by Kraxie

  1. I want something as close to an OS Box as possible. I only have the Indie Edition, but I'll probably get the Standard Edition next time it goes on sale, so I might just have to wait until then if there is no other way to do it...
  2. Hm, okay, but I can't seem to create a new window without duplicating my current one... It seems like I need to set the Window:Create() outside of App.lua, but how do I do that and still be able to call it from any other script?
  3. Hm, so basically I create a new window and then render text inside it? That just results in a script error :/ That just stops the game and logs the error to the console with no popup message :/
  4. Hello! I wanted to make some sort of message box to pop up for the player if for example an error occurred and I wanted it to show a popup box instead of just logging it into a console. Is this possible? If not, is there a module or something to add the ability to do this? Thanks, KraXarN
  5. Hello! So I had an old post and find the real problem, so I made another post... Whenever I publish my game from the project manager Steamworks always fails to load, even with Sandboxing enabled or disabled. The code I used to load Steamworks is: if not Steamworks:Initialize() then Debug:Error("Failed to load Steam") end Whenever I have sandboxing enabled or not, it always works when in the editor and when just running the .exe file from the folder, Steamworks loads and everything is fine. It really feels like I'm missing something :/ Thanks, KraXarN EDIT: Forgot to add a steam_appid.txt, oops... It all works fine now
  6. I can, but upon actually publishing the game, Steamworks seems to always return false, both with Sandboxing enabled and disabled...
  7. Yes As I said before, it doesn't even say I'm in-game either on Steam, but with sandboxing enabled, it says I am. And no "Press shift-tab in-game blah blah" either comes up... It's really weird :/
  8. I am running it through Steam, so that's running and all... I tried using this code: if not Steamworks:Initialize() then Debug:Error("Failed to load Steam") end And it ran just fine, so it seems it returns true
  9. It doesn't matter if I run it from the editor or run the exe file directly, I still don't get the overlay or anything :/
  10. Hey I'm quite new to the Leadwerks engine and I've been playing around with external libraries and what not. To make this possible, I had to disable Lua Sandboxing. It then worked fine to load my library and all that works fine. Only problem, this seems to have disabled Steam or Steamworks. The overlay no longer shows up and when starting the game, it no longer says that the user is in-game on Steam. A steam_appid.txt and all that exists... Anyone knows what the problem can be? Thanks! Regards, KraXarN EDIT: Included app.lua if that helps
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