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  1. I have an acer, so I went to the official website and they have their own driver updater, did it, but still cant get on leadwerks, what did I do wrong? is it my specs?
  2. I Did But it justs gives me the error "'the driver being installed is not validated for this computer, please obtain the appropriate driver from the manufacture" so i tried all of them, same thing
  3. I also have a Intel® HD 4000 graphic card and 2.2 - 3.2 ghz , but i open the software and it results in the common "Failed To Configure Graphics" But I downloaded the Intel driver and I get an error Message saying 'the driver being installed is not validated for this computer, please obtain the appropriate driver from the manufacture" I have a i7 core and I m using my acer aspire V3-571-9646, I used to have a desktop but It died GG this is my first laptop, so im not very well informed on the drivers ,thanks for reading
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