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Everything posted by Admin

  1. The models will be dynamically lit, and you can set them to cast a shadow on CSG surfaces. There's other tricks we can implement later on if it turns out to be necessary, but for now I'd like to keep things simple. You might just consider using those textures and creating the buildings yourself with the built-in CSG modeling tools. It's easy to use that anyone can do it, without being an expert modeling artist.
  2. Lightmaps are calculated on CSG objects. Imported models can cast lightmap or projected shadows (in an update later this week). You can import a model lightmapped in an external program such as gile and apply the lightmapped material to it, to do your own.
  3. Entity::PhysicsSetPosition() http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entityphysicssetposition-r190
  4. You have your font size increased from the default?
  5. You can continuously call SetRotation() and set the global parameter to true. But I think you're going to have problems parenting a camera to an animated character, no matter what.
  6. You could make a CSG object cast a dynamic shadow, but this isn't for making shadows on the entire game level. It's just for making single objects cast a directional shadow.
  7. I think the correct solution here would be adding a "texture lock" setting, which we plan to do.
  8. We make our end of the deployment as simple as possible. Generally you don't need to "develop" on mobile, except when you implement touch controls. For the most part you just develop on PC or Mac, and then publish to mobile. The process of compiling an app with Eclipse can be tricky, and some of that is out of our control, but if you follow the instructions it will go smoothly. We get very few support requests for this part of the process.
  9. Perhaps you are missing some required shaders, because your app isn't launching in the correct directory. I don't recommend using Visual Studio 2012 as it is unsupported.
  10. Set a breakpoint and make sure the context and world isn't NULL.
  11. Information on the Vivante GC800 is very hard to find. I could be wrong, but in the absence of any benchmarks I would assume it's complete junk.
  12. Sorry about that. I modified the default number of records per page shown, and it resulted in the page getting hidden. There's a good reason for that, but it's a long explanation. It's visible now.
  13. buffer->colorcomponent[0]->GetPixels(); Then save the pixel data to a bitmap. Here's some code for loading bitmaps, so it's just this reversed: #pragma once #include "../Leadwerks3D.h" namespace Leadwerks3D { bool BMPLoader::Load(AssetReference* assetreference, Stream* stream) { int format, hsize, pad, hoffset, width, height, planes, bits, compression, isize, xpels, ypels, inuse, size, cols, x, y, r, g, b; Bank* pixels, *data; TextureReference* texturereference = (TextureReference*)assetreference; if (stream->ReadByte()!=Asc("B")) return false; if (stream->ReadByte()!=Asc("M")) return false; hsize=stream->ReadInt(); pad=stream->ReadInt(); hoffset=stream->ReadInt(); size=stream->ReadInt(); width=stream->ReadInt(); height=stream->ReadInt(); planes=stream->ReadShort(); bits=stream->ReadShort(); compression=stream->ReadInt(); isize=stream->ReadInt(); xpels=stream->ReadInt(); ypels=stream->ReadInt(); cols=stream->ReadInt(); inuse=stream->ReadInt(); hoffset -= 54; if (bits==32) { format = TEXTURE_RGBA; } else { format = TEXTURE_RGB; } switch (bits) { case 1: break; case 4: break; case 8: break; case 24: format = TEXTURE_BGR; pixels = CreateBank(width*height*3); //stream->ReadBytes(pixels->buf,pixels->GetSize()); data = CreateBank(width*height*3); //stream->ReadBytes(data->buf,data->GetSize()); for (y=height-1; y>-1; y--) { //for (x=0; x<width; x++) //{ //r = stream->ReadByte(); //g = stream->ReadByte(); //b = stream->ReadByte(); /* r = data->PeekByte(((height-1-y)*width+x)*3+0); g = data->PeekByte(((height-1-y)*width+x)*3+1); b = data->PeekByte(((height-1-y)*width+x)*3+2); pixels->PokeByte((width*y+x)*3+2,r); pixels->PokeByte((width*y+x)*3+1,g); pixels->PokeByte((width*y+x)*3+0,B); */ stream->ReadBytes(pixels->buf + (y*width*3),width*3); //} } // break; case 32: format = TEXTURE_RGBA; pixels = CreateBank(width*height*4); break; default: return false; } texturereference->Initialize(width,height,format,0,0); texturereference->GenerateMipmaps(pixels); delete pixels; return true; } }
  14. The spec for the 3DWS .mesh format is in the 3D World Studio Help Manual, BTW.
  15. Can you zip your project up and post it here please?
  16. You can use Lua, but it still requires a build like that to deploy to mobile. BlitzMax does not work with any mobile platforms.
  17. Here are the instructions for compiling for iOS: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/getting-started/compiling-for-ios-r683 And Android: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/getting-started/compiling-for-android-r625
  18. We're working on an example game with a set of tutorials, but it will take a bit longer to produce. Publishing a game to mobile can be tricky just because of the things Apple and Google do: provisioning profiles, USB drivers, etc. However the process seems to have gone very smoothly for most people. We don't get a lot of help requests for that, which tells me the documentation has done its job.
  19. Admin

    reg code

    Hi Jim, Your order was processed. However, it seems the email address you used to place your order no longer exists on the server? I am sending your key through a private message.
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