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  1. Oh, that's more complicated than I hoped. Thank you.
  2. Sorry if my question makes no sense. I tried to export a model with a material on it from C4D using FBX, but no materials or textures appeared in the folder in Leadwerks. Isn't this process automated? Can I really export a material itself? Because it seems to me that I can't extract it manualy with C4D editor neither.
  3. Thanks for answering. And the last question: can I export .mdl files to some modelling programms?
  4. But the object's axes do matter if you try to pin it, or turn, or make it point at something using scripts, don't they?
  5. Help a newbie, please. Can you change the point in which the coordinate axes are attached to the object in Leadwerks redactor? Sorry if I shouldn't be posting it here.
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