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Everything posted by holschuh

  1. Hi, thx i think there is no short trick to get my which.. i miss the time:getcurrent somewhere and i think if(badguy.frame <(=) badguy.animlength) and the +0.3 stops animation in some cases before the last Animation frame. My try in lua is nearly the same..so i blow my code to get it more robust for different animation length/speet.. cu Volker
  2. HI, is there a short code snippet to do a time dependent single cycle animation. my trys with an animate not close to the end or to fast... cu Volker
  3. Hi, make an hidden helper sphere at cannon pos and point it to the target then get y-rotation from this helper sphere and put it to the cannon (maybe add 180 to flip) tryed quick code down there but not tested carefull to free the helper... helper = Model:Sphere() helper:Hide() helper:SetColor(0.0,1.0,1.0) helper:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true),true) helper:Point(self.target, 1, Time:GetSpeed() * self.rotSpeed) self.entity:SetRotation(self.entity:GetRotation(true).x,self.helper:GetRotation(true).y+180 ,entity:GetRotation(true).z,true) cu Volker
  4. just a "copy to"... new Name... Button in the Project Manager would be fine. I think Git is something for real programmers nothing for an script kiddie...
  5. Hi, need an button to copy an project so that both are accessable in projectmanager, to keep working versions of an game for restart at past position or investigate why something no longer works.. something like MyGame.001 MyGame.002 ... cu Volker
  6. start a discussion in steam: navigate on Leadwerks pager to Games - Steam Games - search the game and klick View in Steam Community cu Volker
  7. Hi, if i give the mass later back to the entity dont act as it have no Forces on it. i do this in update physics maybe that is the Problem? cu Violker
  8. Hi, Is there a way to remove physic forces completely? If i temporarely set collission to None for cinematic Animation and later put it back for further physics the old physic forces also come back. if window:MouseDown(Key.LButton) then self.state="ball" self.childv = self.entity:FindChild("Daumen R") entitydb.kuerbis:SetMass(0) entitydb.kuerbis:SetCollisionType(Collision.None) entitydb.kuerbis:SetParent(self.childv,false) entitydb.kuerbis:SetPosition(self.childv:GetPosition(true).x-0.1,self.childv:GetPosition(true).y+0.4,self.childv:GetPosition(true).z,true) else self.state="normal" entitydb.kuerbis:SetParent(nil) entitydb.kuerbis:SetMass(0.01) entitydb.kuerbis:SetCollisionType(Collision.Prop) end cu Volker
  9. Hi, most is mass > 0 for your bullet and adding a force to it, look in this tread for inspiration it is about arrows but it is nearly similar:. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12473-noob-q/page__hl__arrow cu Volker
  10. Sound may to handle with an global table adding all Sound and parse it to pause them. But there so many other things not time dependent.
  11. Hi, the Name in the LE Editor cannot proofen with GetKeyValue("name") Try to set the key by code.(SetKeyValue("name","entity1")) http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitysetkeyvalue-r774 cu Volker
  12. Hi, you have to handle sounds(noise.lua) by yourself - souds Play and Play and Play... cu Volker
  13. Hi, you have to set the "name" key first for each entity you want maybe in an other script attached to this entities. do in new script in the start section an self.entity:SetKeyValue("name","something") cu Voiker
  14. hi your aabb is nothing, both Points of the aabb box are in the same Location - very small box you scan. cu Volker
  15. learn one language for the Basic concept. all other languages are the "same" best to learn is one language you become good error Messages helping you to find your fault 80% faults are mistakes in writing copy paste is your friend -for LE just steal from the Api Reference and adapt the code. i startet in the 80s with 10 Print "Hello" 20 Goto 10 RUN
  16. so you can make an Template for an Ball Game like soccer beachvolleyball or icehokey, this is most like RTS
  17. you can load maps by LE out of the box code but not in advance into Variables. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/map/ if you look into your main.lua you can see an easy way to change maps premade...there is an Global to change the map by name. you can also prog your own loading routine but that is a lot work or you can make all in one big map with areas not seen by the single parts. cu Volker
  18. Hi, i also can not publish game to steam the regular 3.5 says failed to publish at the end and the public beta says i Need a free steam key and the Player installed. can i have such an key? cu Volker
  19. in Editor "View"- "Show Phyics" to check your collision shapes.
  20. thats an idea, so i havent to stop all sound scripts attached to the entities by myself ... and other stuff that dont stops with Time:Pause()... i try this, but i hoped there is an statement that Pauses all without handling this in every single script cu Volker
  21. jep this is clear but how do i stop the map and grab the space key before an entity script do how do i prevent the map runs in Background of the space press message and playing sounds and the enemy begin to run around and so on...
  22. Hi, have anyone a snippet or entrance to this topic. i tryed a endlessloop in the main.lua but got only blackscreen or the map runs(sound begins ..) behind the message and grabs the keys by entity scripts. please lua cu Volker
  23. HI, i workaround it by code making an pivot with the noise.lua script - save this also as prefab and load both and do setparent... self.enemy=Prefab:Load("Prefabs/cow2.pfb") self.step=Prefab:Load("Prefabs/cowsteps.pfb") self.step:SetParent(self.enemy) cu Volker
  24. Hi, i have an model with an child pivot which have an noise.lua script (source sound) attached. I save the model as prefab and when i load this by code the sound no longer plays. If i attach the prefab to an map manually sound plays... Is there an solution or workaround for. self.enemy=Prefab:Load("Prefabs/cow2.pfb") cu Volker
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