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  1. yes even with nothing in it it lags immensley
  2. physical memory is 28%, so thats not it
  3. Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with the editor in general, it's insanely laggy, even when in demo mode. I'm not sure whats causing it, but any help would be appreciated.
  4. sadly no, and I doubt its the mouse because the keyboard is acting up aswell
  5. well the perspective is on right now, is there a way to turn it off?
  6. Not talking about the level, I'm talking about the editor.
  7. Hello everyone, I'm having a major issue. I can't look around or move in my game scene. I can click on objects and move them around, as well at middle mouse moving and scrolling forward and backwards, but I just cant look around or move. Please help!
  8. Thank you everyone
  9. Can someone send me or post a .lua script for the FPSCharacter controller that allows me to crouch? Thanks.
  10. Bump, Josh helped me out. Thanks Everyone.
  11. Hey everyone. I'm working on a level and after watching the AI tutorial multiple times, I still cant figure out how to get the AI to walk to the waypoint. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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