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Everything posted by wardtf

  1. Creating a small apartment with some stuff from the workshop: a table and chair, and a SSAO shader.
  2. So to fix it, I have to move all the lens flare entities a pixel or two down? Thanks!
  3. So would this prevent a 'menu chamber' with moving lights from rendering?
  4. So I want the game to pause (and specifically FPSplayer.pfb) when self.currentState == "menu" or "splash" So I want the moving gun animation to stop, I want it to ignore key presses and mouse movement, I want it to ignore mouse clicks. Basically, I want it to freeze up when app.currentState is not "game" Any ideas?
  5. I had this problem some time ago, and it was fixed a few days ago. After the last update which fixed the lensflare being visible through walls bug, its back. Lensflare dissappears when getting close to it. Testmap.rar
  6. While I probably can't contribute much on the programming part, I would love to work on the soundtrack and maybe some level design!
  7. A dark maze game with no ambient light, so that you can not see past corner or on the other side of the wall. Here's the menu: And here is the game itself: edit: and a screenshot of the map itself. Looking at the performance of the game (never below 100 fps at 1080p), I'm thinking about making maps bigger, to make the game a bit harder.
  8. Is this even possible? I mean, the workshop is controlled by Valve, they created it.
  9. There might be something you like in here C:\Windows\Fonts
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