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  1. Im still having an issue,Before i changed SetPosition,It seemed like the player pivot ('player') is loading the same model as 'playerMesh' even though 'player' is the parent of PlayerMesh.Also it seemed like the camera was just inside the models armor thus sort of blocking the camera.When i changed the set position you can no longer see parts of the "cloned" armor,But i still think its there...Can someone help me make sense of this? Here is my code : #include "App.h" using namespace Leadwerks; App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {} App::~App() { delete world; delete window; } //Camera storage Vec3 camRotation; Vec2 centerMouse; Vec2 mouseDifference; float mouseSensitivity; //Player Model* playerMesh; Entity* player; Model* tpsSphere; //Speeds Vec3 playerMovement; float moveSpeed; float strafeSpeed; //jump and crouch float jumpForce; float tempJumpForce; bool crouched; float playerHeight; float playerCrouchHeight; //angles float cameraTopAngle; float cameraBottomAngle; float camSmoothing; //TPS controls Pivot* fpsPivot; Pivot* tpsPivot; float maxCamOffset; float minCamOffset; Vec3 oldCamPos; bool App::Start() { //Create a window window = Window::Create("_9_TPSController", 200, 0, 1024,768); //Create a context context = Context::Create(window); //Create a world world = World::Create(); //Create a camera camera = Camera::Create(); camera->Move(0,0,0); //Hide the mouse cursor window->HideMouse(); Map::Load("Maps/3P-Test.map"); //Move the mouse to the center of the screen centerMouse = Vec2(context->GetWidth()/2,context->GetHeight()/2 ); window->SetMousePosition(centerMouse.x, centerMouse.y); mouseSensitivity = 15; //Create the player player = Pivot::Create(); player->SetPosition(0,4,0); player->SetMass(5); player->SetPhysicsMode(Entity::CharacterPhysics); //Create camera pivot fpsPivot = Pivot::Create(); tpsPivot = Pivot::Create(); //Create a visible mesh //playerMesh = Model::Cylinder(16, player); playerMesh = Model::Load("Models/Characters/Barbarian/barbarian.mdl"); // playerMesh->SetParent(player); playerMesh->SetPosition(0,0,0); //playerMesh->SetScale(1,2,1); //Set some variables moveSpeed = 6; strafeSpeed = 4; crouched = false; playerHeight = 1.8; playerCrouchHeight = 0.8; jumpForce = 6; cameraTopAngle = -45; cameraBottomAngle = 80; camSmoothing = 8.0; //Tps camera maxCamOffset = -8.0; minCamOffset = 1.5; return true; } bool App::Loop() { //Close the window to end the program if (window->Closed()||window->KeyHit(Key::Escape)) return false; //Get the mouse movement Vec3 currentMousePos = window->GetMousePosition(); mouseDifference.x = currentMousePos.x - centerMouse.x; mouseDifference.y = currentMousePos.y - centerMouse.y; //Adjust and set the camera rotation float tempX = camRotation.x + (mouseDifference.y / mouseSensitivity); if(tempX > cameraTopAngle && tempX < cameraBottomAngle ) camRotation.x = tempX; camRotation.y += mouseDifference.x / mouseSensitivity; fpsPivot->SetRotation(camRotation); window->SetMousePosition(centerMouse.x, centerMouse.y); //Player Movement playerMovement.x = (window->KeyDown(Key:) - window->KeyDown(Key::A)) * Time::GetSpeed() * strafeSpeed; playerMovement.z = (window->KeyDown(Key::W) - window->KeyDown(Key::S)) * Time::GetSpeed() * moveSpeed; // Check for jumping tempJumpForce = 0; if(window->KeyHit(Key::Space) && !(player->GetAirborne()) ) tempJumpForce = jumpForce; // Check for crouching if(window->KeyHit(Key::C)) crouched = !crouched; //Position camera at correct height and playerPosition player->SetInput(camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, tempJumpForce * Time::GetSpeed(), crouched, 1); //Store player some information Vec3 tempFpsPos = fpsPivot->GetPosition(); Vec3 playerPos = player->GetPosition(); playerPos.y += (crouched ? playerCrouchHeight : playerHeight); tempFpsPos.y = Math::Curve(playerPos.y, tempFpsPos.y, camSmoothing * Time::GetSpeed()); tempFpsPos = Vec3(playerPos.x, tempFpsPos.y ,playerPos.z); fpsPivot->SetPosition(tempFpsPos); //Position and Rotate the camera to FPS pivot camera->SetPosition(fpsPivot->GetPosition()); camera->SetRotation(fpsPivot->GetRotation()); //Calculate the furthest TPS pivot position tpsPivot->SetPosition(fpsPivot->GetPosition()); tpsPivot->SetRotation(fpsPivot->GetRotation()); tpsPivot->Move(0, 0, maxCamOffset, false); camera->SetPosition(tpsPivot->GetPosition()); //Use a pick to determine where the camera should be PickInfo pick; if(world->Pick(fpsPivot->GetPosition(), tpsPivot->GetPosition(), pick, 0, true )) { //Store distance float distance = fpsPivot->GetPosition().DistanceToPoint(pick.position); printf((String(distance) + "\n").c_str()); //If the tps distance is to small, we switch to FPS view if(distance < minCamOffset) { camera->SetPosition(fpsPivot->GetPosition()); } else { camera->SetPosition(pick.position); } } else { camera->SetPosition(tpsPivot->GetPosition()); } Time::Update(); world->Update(); world->Render(); context->Sync(true); return true; }
  2. I got it working by changing playerMesh->SetPosition(0,1,0); to playerMesh->SetPosition(0,0,0); Such a stupid mistake on my part,But hopefully this will help someone else along the way.
  3. I followed Aggror's 3rd person camera tutorial (c++) and simply replaced : playerMesh = Model::Cylinder(16, player); with playerMesh = Model::Load("Models/Characters/Barbarian/barbarian.mdl"); playerMesh->SetParent(player); It seems to work as expected in terms of movement but for some reason the camera gets the barbarian model attached to it depending on the cams position or rotation.I also noticed the barbarian is elevated a bit. I have attached my App.cpp (txt format) Any help is greatly appreciated! lol i dont feel like i can continue with the tutorials until i get this solved App.txt
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