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  1. Great, perfect. Never thought of using raycasts but does make sense. Will have a play with it. Thanks!
  2. Hi all. So I'm new here, bought Leadwerks in the Steam sale. I'm currently working on a small hobby project to get to know Leadwerks a bit better. It's a simple FPS with the gameplay heavily revolving around light and darkness (inspired by the Vashta Nerada). I had a look, and was wondering if there is a way to detect whether an entity, e.g. player, is standing in light or shadows? I can think of a work around e.g. invisible boxes parented to light sources that act as triggers, but it would save a lot of time if there was a way of measuring from player itself. I had a look but found nothing. I should also mention I'm using the Indie version. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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