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Everything posted by awgsknite

  1. I cant find the answer to this question so i gotta ask here >> How do we get LeadWerks 5 ? it says for alpha subscribers. what is that ? how do i get that ? thanks
  2. well i cant wait lol any eta on it ?
  3. got a link ? i sure could use that example
  4. is there any multiplayer online example yet ?
  5. I want to make a grinding on rails game like jet set radio where the player is on rollerblades and jumps on rails and edges of objects and slides/grinds along. How would I do this ? can anyone help? thanks
  6. now it says failed to publish file but it is in my workshop items.. now what ??
  7. Im trying to upload my workshop package and it keeps saying that the jpg extension is not allowed as shown in the pic. How do i fix this ? i tried using a png and it will not work either
  8. im using the beta and mine works no problem. r u using the beta ?
  9. Thanks ! I'll try that *edit* Awesome ! Got it ! Your the best shadmar ! Now how to figure out how to make a left and right step !
  10. nvm it was the material. I had copied another material instead of making a new material.
  11. How would i rotate a decal to be aligned with the camera so that my footprints are always making forward prints from the camera instead of always placed one way ? ie. decal:Turn(0,0,Math:Random(0,360)) like in this pic: decal is placed sideways instead forward:
  12. I scrapped that script cos i couldnt convert it and i started over but now i got this : How do i get normal footprints and not cubes ? I used a decal material. Should i be using a texture instead ?
  13. Thanks ! but i tried that and the other line that changes to corners = { } or the other way corners = {Vec3(), Vec3(), Vec3(), Vec3()} and then it gives an error at the start of this near = : --// corners = position + left/right offset + forward + right corners[ 0 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( -rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Upper Left corners[ 1 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Upper Right corners[ 2 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( -fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( -rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Lower Left corners[ 3 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( -fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Lower Right
  14. not really cos i want to make the treadmarks as i ride the skidoo
  15. Like i said b4 the function part. This line: public function AddFootprint( pos : Vector3, fwd : Vector3, rht : Vector3, footprintType : int )
  16. Thanks ! but idk what to use but this is the first part of it: public function AddFootprint( pos : Vector3, fwd : Vector3, rht : Vector3, footprintType : int ) { // - Calculate the 4 corners - // foot offset var footOffset : float = footprintSpacing; if ( isLeft ) { footOffset = -footprintSpacing; } var corners : Vector3[] = new Vector3[ 4 ]; // corners = position + left/right offset + forward + right corners[ 0 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( -rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Upper Left corners[ 1 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Upper Right corners[ 2 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( -fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( -rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Lower Left corners[ 3 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( -fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Lower Right That function idk how to write that for lua. It has me so stumped and i cant find any lua script that looks like that to see how to make it
  17. var corners : Vector3[] = new Vector3[ 4 ]; to Lua How ? Vector3 is Vec3 in Lua but what about the square brackets and colon ?
  18. Are terrain indents possible to be happening ingame ? Like say a skidoo goes through the snow terrain and makes indents in the terrain or imprints like real tread tracks like tire tracks from a car. How does one do this if it is possible ? What code would work ?
  19. ah thats why..Thanks !
  20. stuck on this part: anyone know how to convert this to lua ? : switch( footprintType ) case 1 : uvOffset = Vec2( 0.5, 1.0 ) break case 2 :
  21. np anyways 'cos I got the footstep sounds now ! Now I'm working on placing footprints on terrain. Real tuff it is still to get the proper code for that one !
  22. Thanks aiaf ! I learnt some new things from there ! One of them: global variables are ordinary variables ! After taking those tutorials it says that I'm a Lua expert ! On the tutorials page found here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/ but I still can't place decals in my game yet lol so I don't feel like an expert just yet
  23. Does anyone know of a js to lua converter ? I seen some sln projects on github that are too complex for me to use even though they have some instructions. I'm not an expert with lua yet so I'm trying to convert some js to lua scripts by myself with no success.
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