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Everything posted by awgsknite

  1. i went down to 48 subbed and now they are finally installing
  2. and then maybe set it back on after impact or gravity off ?
  3. you could addforce when the ball hits : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entityaddforce-r156 or setomega: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetomega-r823 or something that is here that starts with the word Entity in this list : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/index/
  4. Does that mean every time we want to test or see our game played we have to use the standalone game player and there is no more green little play button in the editor ? Does that include the debug button as well ?
  5. I'm using the FPSPlayer that has the player variable in it. so player is a charactercontroller
  6. but it is an FPS game. So isn't the camera already parent to the player and isn't the player the camera ?
  7. Okay i bean trying to do this all day and i have to ask now since it has taken too much time already. How do i put an object infront of my fps player while it is parent ? Here is what works so far: set inside FPSPlayer.lua.. local modelview = Prefab:Load("Prefabs/modelofmodels.pfb") modelview:SetPosition(0,2,2) modelview:SetParent(player) yeah so those 3 lines puts the prefab model near the player if the player is near the position of 0,0,0 the x,y,z....it really should not be used to center anything in the middle of the screen 'cos it don't. It just parents the model to the player if you set the object to trigger and prop with no collision as i found out. If you set it to have collision and/or mass then you got it falling or dissappearing. Also if the player moves around and then the parent is set the model sometimes appears in some other odd place like right behind you ! Anyways, i bean trying diff. codes and they all dont work for me to get it to the center of screen and parented at the same time. I tried GetMousePosition() code and it did not recognize it amongst other bizarre code. LoL. I even troid to use the camera code: modelview:SetPosition(camera:GetPosition()) but then it didn't know what camera is ! Then i tried to get player.camera and it didnt know that ! etc.. etc. etc.. Can anyone help this LE noob out ? Thanks in advance
  8. +1 Who wants to hear boots clomping on concrete as the player walks through water ? and why would you want to hear boots clomping on concrete as you walk on gravel or snow, etc.. ? Is there a way to do this already ? 'cos i have not played with sounds yet with LE
  9. Thanks ! But how do I do that then so I don't have to keep buying animations from mixamo ?
  10. like i said b4 it is the only one out of all my assets that dont show up in the files. I have many workshop files included in my game. prefab car, crates, etc.. to name a few. All my other entities are using script files also but they are not from the workshop. So maybe all workshop script files attached to entities do not get published ? This note.lua is the only workshop script file im currently using in my game atm. Im stil building/ prototyping/ testing and do not have many things in my game atm also. I mainly have FlowGUI and my amazing inventory of whatnots along with a menusystem
  11. Thanks ! I got it to work ! I just had to get the free locomotion pack onto the character off the mixamo site and from there i added the simpleanimation.lua to it and set it to 0 in the sequence in the editor basically doing what josk said in that link you gave : and also remember to put all the textures and mat files along with the mdl file into a new named folder you create into the characters folder where the crawler folder is ! and bang ! your all set !
  12. nvm, i got it to work ! I just had to get the free locomotion pack onto the character off the mixamo site and from there i added the simpleanimation.lua to it and set it to 0 in the sequence in the editor basically doing what josk said : and also remember to put all the textures and mat files along with the mdl file into a new named folder you create into the characters folder where the crawler folder is ! and bang ! your all set !
  13. @FoxMulder : Hey can you share your info on how you got them to work ? I'm stuck with my animations from Fuse that are looking like piles of meat wiggling ! pic below:
  14. Thanks Rastar ! I'll try that stuff they talked about in that topic link you gave and see what happens !
  15. Has anyone tried to get an fbx made with Mixamo's Fuse Character Animator program and have it work in LE ? I just tried it and the model imported but the animations don't work. I then loaded animation from the crawler model and it started to animate but the character was like squashed and had it's legs sticking out and it looked like a pile of meat wiggling. How to i get this Fuse to work with LE ? anyone ? Thanks screenee below:
  16. When I go to publish the game (not using the export option) everything shows up all assets and it works great. Just not your note.lua. If i try to unzip it it asks for a password which i don't know. How do i get that password ?
  17. I can't unzip it 'cos I don't know the password. How do I get the password for it ? It's asking for a password. *edit * I found out you don't need a password with the export option and you lose some things in your game... I just tried to play the exported game and checked to see for that note.lua script and it is not there. Also all my weapons from the weapons addon are not showing up as well as the fire pit in my mainmenu and other things... Anyone else try to publish a game with this note.lua and get it to work ?
  18. I was only publishing to test the game and not to steam. I used the project manager and hit publish there which made the exe and all those other files I tried both with lua sandbox on and off and each time it crashed when playing the .exe published game. But it works in the editor
  19. I put this in my game and it worked in the LE editor when playing but when i published my .exe game it keeps crashing when trying to see the note in the published game. How to fix it ? I'm using Lua btw (I don't have the C++ LE yet) Is that why it does not work ? I did disable the lua sandbox in the editor
  20. Notepad++ works good too. It has autocompletion and prediction : http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.7.4.html it's also completely free
  21. @beo6 I'm an LE noob so idunno what Sublime Text is. What is it and how do I use it ?
  22. I dunno if this has been mentioned b4 here in the forums but I could not find it. So.... Autocomplete / predict scripting within the LE editor would come in handy. Then I wouldn't have to keep typing the same line over and over when the end part of code is a bit different. I seen many engines with autocomplete / prediction in their scripting editors. Like say im going to type in context and then immediately the prediction scripting suggests in a dropdown option from where you are typing of predictions and one being:.. ( " some text " ) or ( text height x text width ) etc.. that sort of thing. It saves time and would be helpful. I dunno how hard it would be to include that in the editor but it sure would make it easier to make scripts
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