Okay i bean trying to do this all day and i have to ask now since it has taken too much time already.
How do i put an object infront of my fps player while it is parent ?
Here is what works so far:
set inside FPSPlayer.lua..
local modelview = Prefab:Load("Prefabs/modelofmodels.pfb")
yeah so those 3 lines puts the prefab model near the player if the player is near the position of 0,0,0 the x,y,z....it really should not be used to center anything in the middle of the screen 'cos it don't. It just parents the model to the player if you set the object to trigger and prop with no collision as i found out. If you set it to have collision and/or mass then you got it falling or dissappearing. Also if the player moves around and then the parent is set the model sometimes appears in some other odd place like right behind you !
Anyways, i bean trying diff. codes and they all dont work for me to get it to the center of screen and parented at the same time. I tried GetMousePosition() code and it did not recognize it amongst other bizarre code. LoL.
I even troid to use the camera code: modelview:SetPosition(camera:GetPosition()) but then it didn't know what camera is ! Then i tried to get player.camera and it didnt know that ! etc.. etc. etc..
Can anyone help this LE noob out ? Thanks in advance