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Everything posted by lxFirebal69xl

  1. I have no idea what could be causing this, so any sort of help would be much appreciated! Here's the model while in "Textured" mode And in "Textured+Lighting" The model also looses it's textured when being play tested, in both Debug and Run mode.
  2. Thank you all, that got it working! Much appreciated
  3. I'm having a tough time understanding what you mean by this, I'm really bad at scripting, would you mind being a little bit more clear?
  4. I have the exact same problem, sound works in editor, but they don't work when the game is published, i have no other issues other than the sounds.
  5. So, I set up a scene that has the player interact with a phone, then a 3 second delay happens and it plays a sound of a phone ringing, how can I set up so that the player uses the phone again and it stops the ringing and play another sound? This is the flowgraph right now This is the phone script Script.ObjectDescription = "" --String "Object Description" Script.DisplayTimeMax = 5000 --Int "Display time" Script.Used = "0" Script.DisplayTime = 0 Script.DisplayEnabled = false local font1 = Font:Load("Fonts/True Lies.ttf", 20) function Script:Use(context) self.Used = "1" self.CurrentTime = Time:GetCurrent() self.DisplayTime = Time:GetCurrent() + self.DisplayTimeMax self.component:CallOutputs("Use") end function Script:PostRender(context) if self.Used == "1" then App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) App.context:SetFont(font1) self.DisplayEnabled = true if self.DisplayEnabled == true then if self.DisplayTime > Time:GetCurrent() then App.context:SetColor(255,255,255) context:DrawText(self.ObjectDescription, 100, 600) else self.DisplayEnabled = false self.Used = "0" end end App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end end The trigger delay and the noise script are the same with different properties. So how can I pull this off?
  6. Same thing keeps happening, I push the button, and the object (in this case a barrel) either stays in the air (because I put it there) or doesn't show up at all. Physics disabled=Show up, but doesn't fall down Physics enabled= Doens't show up at all Sorry, I'm really bad at this
  7. I still have the same problem, whenever I put it to activate physics after the object shows up, it doesn't show up at all, otherwise it shows up but doesn't do anything, it just stays there.
  8. Only the default texture you use works, I've tried others and it only works if they're in the "Effects" folder, which is quite strange...
  9. I find it amazing that you found exactly what inspired me to make the bell noise for the demon. Props to you good sir.
  10. Thanks for that one beo6! But now I got another issue, I'm trying to make a barrel appear in the air so it falls down, makes a noise and scare the player. Everything works fine except the barrel doesn't appear at all, every other object without physics or mass appear, how can I do this? Sorry I'm really bad at LUA
  11. Thanks for the for criticism, will definitly take this into consideration when I make more levels.
  12. Haha, this made my day. But the reason he has that is to warn the player that he's near, sort of like a "Tling tling" sound I'm glad you do
  13. STORY Sometimes in life, you have to commit yourself to saving the ones you love. You need to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, and triumph over all barriers between you and that goal. My name is Daniel. I used to live a normal life... I had a decent job, a beautiful wife... But everything has changed, and now I have to get her back. I'm ready to go to the deepest corners of hell if I have to, if it means I get to see her again. Facebook Page! https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Demons-Game/1609762912575762 Steam Group! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ADemonsGame/ Play the demo here! http://www.indiedb.com/games/a-demons-game Steam Greenlight (Concept) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=400502301
  14. Works perfectly, thank you! Now, how do I make an object spawn with a collision trigger?
  15. I was talking about the player entering the zone and the picture would show up. Looks like this one only works for when a player uses an objectand it only shows up with a black box on the corner, no actual picture shows up
  16. So, I want the player to enter a collision trigger and that trigger makes it shows a picture, kind of like this script for text but instead of text, it shows a picture. How can I do this? Script.ObjectDescription = "" --String "Object Description" Script.DisplayTimeMax = 5000 --Int "Display time" Script.Used = "0" Script.DisplayTime = 0 Script.DisplayEnabled = false local font1 = Font:Load("Fonts/True Lies.ttf", 20) function Script:Use(context) self.Used = "1" self.CurrentTime = Time:GetCurrent() self.DisplayTime = Time:GetCurrent() + self.DisplayTimeMax end function Script:PostRender(context) if self.Used == "1" then App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) App.context:SetFont(font1) self.DisplayEnabled = true if self.DisplayEnabled == true then if self.DisplayTime > Time:GetCurrent() then App.context:SetColor(255,255,255) context:DrawText(self.ObjectDescription, 100, 600) else self.DisplayEnabled = false self.Used = "0" end end App.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end end
  17. As the title says, how would I do this? For example, a player using a switch and a key appearing on top of a table, and the key wasn't there before.
  18. This update looks amazing, the pixologic team is basically making things only possible in maya and 3ds max possible in zbrush. Goodbye social life.
  19. Wow Liam, this is awesome, thank you so much
  20. Allright, I'll go have a look on how to uv map models since I'm pretty new to all of this. Thank you all for the answers!
  21. Just tried it and it dind't work either, still no textures on the model.
  22. Well, there is no "textures" file with the models, so there's nothing I can do to get the textures separately? Like export them in blender or something?
  23. I'm well aware that google exists, and I've been searching through forums for a solution on how to convert the .mdl files to .tex files. When I import the model into blender it has the textures but when I export the model in an .fbx file it doesn't have textures<---I want the fix for this. Sorry if I came off as uninformative.
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