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  1. I am creating emitters in code. It's convenient for me to define them in the editor then convert them to code. I don't have to do it this way but a division operator for a Vec4 isn't an uncommon thing in a vector library. Nothing I am doing requires this operator, I've already got a workaround.
  2. Does anyone have the collision type table? It doesn't exist in the documentation anymore. Or has something changed in resolving collisions? https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Collision
  3. It'd be handy if Vec4 had a division operator for converting colors defined in 0-255 to 0-1
  4. I am not able to divide a Vec2 or Vec4 but Vec3 works fine. Seems like this should work, am I wrong? local Case1 = Vec2(164, 0) / 255 --Doesn't work local Case2 = Vec3(164, 0, 0) / 255 --Works local Case3 = Vec4(164, 0, 0, 255) / 255 --Doesn't work Error message for Case1 and 3 is: Attempt to perform operation on an invalid operand
  5. Calling GetAngle() on a sprite set to Billboard mode is always returning 0. Here is how I set it up: 1) Create a sprite 2) Set it to Billboard mode 3) Assign a material 4) Put this script on it function Script:UpdateWorld() System:Print(self.entity:GetAngle()) end The billboard appears to be working (always facing the camera) but the script always prints 0. I tried casting it to a sprite ( tolua.cast(self.entity,"Sprite") ) and calling GetAngle on that but no change. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
  6. I don't know what the signature of CreateBox() is nor what Entity and Model classes look like but this compiles for me under VS2015 and MinGW 5.3.0 (Debug and Release for both). Entity had to have a virtual function to make it polymorphic. #include <memory> class Entity { public: virtual ~Entity() {} }; class Model : public Entity { public: virtual ~Model() {} }; template <class T, class Y> std::shared_ptr<T> Cast(std::shared_ptr<Y> o) { #ifdef DEBUG return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(o); #else return std::static_pointer_cast<T>(o); #endif } std::shared_ptr<Entity> CreateBox() { return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Entity>(std::make_shared<Model>()); } int main() { std::shared_ptr<Entity> entity = CreateBox(); std::shared_ptr<Model> model = Cast<Model>(entity); return 0; }
  7. In my opinion, the game launcher would have successful if the UI was completed. It seems like every time I tried to share a game with it, the other person couldn't find my game. The biggest issue being the name of the game wasn't even visible, just some number below a screenshot. Nothing that couldn't be overcome but it prevented me from saying "Hey go try my game on the launcher, it's called The Hankinator's stupid game". Even worse if someone just opened it up and wanted to browse the games. I know the image had the title in it but that wasn't always all that readable when it was scaled down to a 2 inch square. Even I wouldn't bother looking around there because it was awkward and time consuming just to see the name of the games. Often times even using the Leadwerks website to "launch" the launcher would end in steam reporting an error. There were other things that I think should have been added to the interface like a list of games that the user had already subscribed to, that would have made it easier for the user to come back and play the game again rather than looking through page after page trying to remember what the game image was (cause the title sure wasn't there!) to play it again. Heck I remember opening the launcher a few times and the UI was totally hosed(I think this was around the time that the UI was revamped). I know early access means there are issues but if I tried an early access title and saw that I'd uninstall. Speaking of which did the launcher ever leave early access? I think some people avoid early access stuff, I usually do. Maybe all this was fixed recently, but I feel like there were very significant UI problems for months if not a year+. I think these and other issues killed any "steam" behind the launcher from day 1. Sorry for the rant but the game launcher was one of my favorite features of Leadwerks and I really wanted to see it succeed.
  8. R9 380 pretty low end for VR however I have been playing Robo Recall without any lag or chopping so I doubt that's the problem.
  9. It's still choppy without calling and also setting vsync to false
  10. It loaded up ok but it was choppy(I don't know what the frame rate was but without VR and vsync it's over 350) and the models on the very left and right edge of the view "popped" in, like maybe they were culled for a narrower field of view or something. I tried to take a screenshot but the window was just blank. Is there a way to have Leadwerks mirror the scene in Rift on to my monitor?
  11. I have an Oculus and usually have an hour or so a day I could check something out.
  12. Have you thought about using nullptr instead of NULL? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B11#Null_pointer_constant
  13. Have you profiled Lua vs LuaJIT in Leadwerks? I'm curious if there will be performance impact. LuaJIT comparison tool claims pretty substantial gains over regular Lua (http://luajit.org/performance_x86.html).
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