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Everything posted by thehankinator

  1. thehankinator

    2016 Plans

    Networking would be awesome! Any plans for performance analysis tools? I've really struggled with this the last few months with little progress. Formal documentation for best practices for performance would be nice too(Unless it already exists?). The Vectronic performance discussion was great but you have to dig around and I don't feel it's complete.
  2. Are the bones the subchildren in the entity hierarchy? If so the zombie definitely has more bones than the crawler. I dropped the models in with the script attached, still run at 60fps. Then I created a prefab of one of those models and loaded it at runtime, 60fps! I set all the bones (what I think are bones anyway) to prop (so the bullets would hit the zombies) and still 60fps! I noticed that the original prefab has entries in the hierarchy like "hitbox_lthigh" but the model does not. All the hitbox_* elements have their collision set to none. Where would those hitbox_ elements come from? It's the DLC so I couldn't have opened the .mdl file and messed around with the file at all. I checked the other zombies from the DLC it's the same thing, prefabs have hitbox_ entries but not in the models. I cannot delete the hitbox_ entries with LE editor so I cannot know if that is the problem.
  3. I've cut down to bare bones now. I compared the zombie to a crawler. The crawler runs at 60fps but the zombie slows down to 30fps. They have the same script so it seems to indicate that there is some difference between the artwork. I checked the settings on the materials for both models, they are the same. What settings on the model or materials could cause such a difference? I'd upload the project but I don't think Josh would want me to upload the zombie/weapons DLC.
  4. change string:sub() to string.sub() you have stringcolonsub(), you need stringperiodsub()
  5. Have you tried string.sub()? http://www.lua.org/pil/20.html
  6. You may want to look up some basic lua examples. This site seems decent http://www.tutorialspoint.com/lua/lua_functions.htm Regardless, this is how you make a similar function in lua: function AddFootprint( pos, fwd, rht, footprintType) --blah blah end
  7. I think shadmar's line of code would fit better for this function than mine. What part exactly has you stumped?
  8. That would make an array but to make equivalent code, wouldn't you need to fill it with the 4 Vec3 elements? Like: corners = {Vec3(), Vec3(), Vec3(), Vec3()}
  9. Lua doesn't have a switch statement but you could do it with an if statement. if footprintType == 1 then uvOffset = Vec2(0.5, 1.0) elseif footprintType == 2 then --blah blah end
  10. I had two problems going on. I fixed one of them and now I have narrowed this issue down to Follow(). If I reduce my level to nothing but flat plane, the performance issues go away. What kind of things could be making Follow so expensive?
  11. There is a script Scripts/Objects/Doors/SwingingDoor.lua. Mine was located in the "MyGame" project, it might be in some of the other templates also.
  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Update: *improved fire appearance on fire trap *head shots deal 3x damage *fixed resource leak *synced witch animation/fire anamiation timing *fixed zombie run animation *fixed a bug that caused the witch not to spawn a fireball *fix machete damage Still haven't been able to resolve the performance problem. I'm not crazy about this map so maybe during design of the new map I can catch it. Need to work on sounds and visual feedback for the machete but it does sweeping damage with headshot damage when the sight is pointed at a head.
  13. Have you looked at the top of Main.lua? It has a couple calls like System:GetProperty("screenwidth","1024") That code is attempting to get screenwidth from the command line arguments, if nothing is there default to 1024. You can add whatever arguments to the command line and retrieve the value with System:GetProperty. I am pretty sure this is how the Game Launcher does it. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/system/systemgetproperty-r538
  14. You should take a look at the time api included in Leadwerks. Using lua's time functions would work if implemented correctly however Leadwerks Engine manages how and when the game time is updated, this ensures that your logic is tied to game time rather than system time. You would be mostly interested in Time:GetCurrent(). http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/time/
  15. I got a Steam Link, it works really well. Didn't even need to run a cat5 cable to it, streams over wifi like a champ.
  16. Thanks for the advice. In this case though I've disabled all the update functions in my AI script so I don't think it's an AI problem.
  17. I'm having trouble fixing a performance issue in my game (House of Pain). Seems like everything is fine (~60fps) until I spawn an enemy. Then it drops to 30fps. In my AI script I've commented just about everything (UpdateWorld, UpdatePhysics, Draw, etc) so I don't think that is the problem. On the enemy I set Cast Shadows to None. I've played around with the Collapse function on the model but the model is no longer visible when I collapse it. I don't know how to interpret the statistic information that well, I don't think my batches are unreasonable. I don't have any post processing effects (that I am aware of). I've tried disabling all lights except ambient but appeared to make no difference. Does anyone have an idea what else I can look at that would cause such a big hit to performance? Thanks
  18. Update: * Made fireball more fiery * Improved fire looks on torches * Added blood splatter on walls * Reduced line of sight checks in AI scripts For some reason the emitters get to a point where they are "puffing" the particles rather than a steady stream. Not sure if that is due to the performance issue I've been facing or if I'm setting the emitters up wrong. Regardless I think the fire overall looks much better!
  19. This feature would be very helpful in my work flow and from my understanding of the Scintilla documentation could be as easy as a 1 line of code to enable.
  20. This feature would be very helpful in my work flow and from my understanding of the Scintilla documentation could be as easy as a 1 line of code to enable.
  21. Update: * Moved the back cam to the top of the screen * Added kickback and shake when a weapon is fired * Fire traps no longer hurt the player I am thinking about adding an additional difficulty flag that would cause all traps to trigger if the player walks over them. Might make things more interesting when choosing where to put a trap. Machete is wonky when swinging at the skeleton, not sure why.
  22. Minor update today: * Made the machete more effective. * Increased spawn rate of enemies
  23. Welcome to The Hankinator's House of Pain! This is my entry for the Halloween game tournament. A game of survival, kill enemies to get points, spend points to buy traps and weapons! Survive to the end! Higher difficulty yields more points! At this time standard key bindings are used: WASD - Movement Space - Jump Left mouse - Shoot (or place trap when in at store) R - Reload Get it on Game Launcher! http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=548835676 This is my first attempt at an action game and also a game that lasts more than a couple minutes. I intended for this game to much more than it is today but I intend on continuing further work. Things like bosses, objectives and maps are a few big features I want to add. What do you think? Which of the many bugs are the most annoying? Fireball texture obtained from: http://opengameart.org/node/18855
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