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Everything posted by thehankinator

  1. I've not decided what this means yet but I've modified my Start function to search for the player entity. It finds it! So I know the player entity exists at the time Start is executed. function Script:Start() System:Print("target="..tostring(self.target)) for x=0,App.world:CountEntities()-1 do local entity = App.world:GetEntity(x) if entity:GetKeyValue("name") == "Player" then System:Print("entity="..tostring(entity)) end end end
  2. I have a simple script like the one below applied to a Pivot. I've dragged my player entity into the "Target" property. When the Start function is called it prints out "target=nil". If I drag some other entity into the Target property I get something like "target=userdata: 0x04245938", which is what I was expecting when my Target is Player. Is there something special about the Player entity? Script.target = nil --Entity "Target" function Script:Start() System:Print("target="..tostring(self.target)) end
  3. That makes sense. It's too bad the editor hides the object, it is misleading. Thanks for the help.
  4. This is driving me crazy. I have a very simple scene with 2 objects, one is marked as hidden, the other is not. In the editor the hidden object is hidden but when I run the project both objects are visible. Apparently I cannot upload a .map file so "cant_hide.txt" will need to be renamed to .map. What am I missing for this to work? cant_hide.txt
  5. I was able to work around this. I searched for "Tree Pack.zip" on my Steam directory (mine was located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\4193591\ugc\referenced\545265666685674397). Opened the zip and copied the Tree Pack directory out of the zip into the "AddOns" folder for my project.
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