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  1. Sorry I wasn't fishing for a solution just asking a question about how the scripts ran. Not trying to be rude but Its only at design doc stage and I don't want to come off as it being more than it is right now... its been in my head for a long time but I never really captured it... since I havent seen anything like it yet and its been years... I figure its a doable game for me to make... space empire type... thats all I'll say
  2. It can be done but not in version 1
  3. So long as the timing is reflected on all the objects equally the speed of processing would be consistent, but ya not predictable like it needs to be. Hmph My idea will not work with today's technology (that I have)... get out the scribble pad LOL
  4. Nice to know thanks... I was really hoping the scripts ran in parallel... allocating a certain amount of system resource to progressively solve them. I'm sure that would be a nightmare in terms of inter-process communication goes lol... one can dream
  5. I'm a complete newby with leadwerks but the concept of the scripting language poses an interesting option in a game I'm currently creating a design doc for... my question is do scripts run in parallel or sequentially? If one object has a huge script and another a small one will the whole huge script run (until its exited) as well as the whole small one or does it thread them? Context: If two objects have script that turns them to point at each other, but one script is inefficiently written (extra instructions) will the "lean" script object start turning first?
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