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  1. Good day. I am blind indie developer. I recently bought the Leadwerks Game Engine: Standart Edition for my audio game. I was pleasantly surprised that the level editor well enough is accessable for screen reader. But there are a couple of problems that hamper development. 1. Unfortunately objects (sphere, for example) cannot be created without a mouse. A parametric creation method (like in 3Ds MAX, set coords, radius and etc. and click button "Create") will be very helpfull for blind users. 2. Asset browser is not completely accessable. Screen readers can freely navigate through folders (models/barrel, for example), but the contents of a specific folder (models, textures, etc.) are not available. The screen reader does not see this window. And again, the problem with the mouse. It would be good if all the resources were presented not only the image but also the text. And hot keys to add the selected resource to the scene. I hope that soon I can say that the Leadwerks Game Engine is accessible and friendly to blind developers. Thank you for your attention and good luck. P.s. some lessons about how to replace the OpenAL audio library to another (for example, FMOD) will be very helpfull.
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