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Everything posted by AnthonyPython

  1. Ultra because people can spell it and say it correctly, because everyone says and spells Leadwerks differently due to spell check, and dialects.
  2. There is a mistake here, you have Enable function instead of the Disable function for Disable in the C++ version. just letting you know.
  3. double checked, It all seems to be good. no more vertex skin distortion.
  4. strange now it decided to work- just one of those days I guess. while were on the topic of missing VR stuff How exactly are we going to deal with the steam VR poses or do poses in general for our stuff, couldn't we just associate a animation frame or something with like our own system of doing it and just blending. since were using openVR currently (and we perhaps should stay on) still there should be away for us to detect finger curl on the knuckles as far as I know its a 0.0-1.0 float for each of the fingers. I don't think openXR has that though since last i checked.
  5. it seems to not be, they appear to be independent at least from my own testing I've only been able to use the actual touchpad stuff if rightController then local axisRight = rightController:GetAxis(1) if (Abs(axisRight.x) > tol or Abs(axisRight.y) > tol) then local newposition = Vec3(self.targetEntity:GetPosition(true).x + axisRight.x,self.targetEntity:GetPosition(true).y,self.targetEntity:GetPosition(true).z) self.targetEntity:SetPosition(newposition,true) Print("right X: " .. axisRight.x .. "right y" ..axisRight.y) end end and this only works on the touchpad from when I tried
  6. there is no way to get the analogue sticks on VR controllers just trigger and touchpad through the VR stuff, they are only available for the normal gamepad stuff, at least that's what I see with the enum for them.
  7. Overload Entity::Attach(VrDevice) does not exist in lua we can HMD::SetOffset in lua but not HMD::GetOffset of the HMD( checked and it looks like Getting the offset isn't in C++ either) VR Controllers right and left stick axis is missing entirely
  8. I have not, but I can download a copy of 0.9.7 separately later and try it. could have been an issue all along and we wouldn't have known.
  9. this is a model directly downloaded from mixamo, I did not rig this, how ever I do know how to do this already. like I said it does this for the fbx file or for gltf (exported out of blender). this model works fine out of the box every where else just not in ultra. Here is the original fbx if you need it as well(direct download fbx binary from mixamo) Ch32_nonPBR.7z
  10. I do not know exactly what is causing this but it seems to happen for my test model, it does it on fbx, gltf and the .mdl versions I quickly checked it in blender and it all seems fine there. I have attached a reproduction project for you josh. meshRepro.7z
  11. the latest changes to the flowgraph stuff prevents being able to add stuff to the flowgraph at all now. previously added nodes and connections are preserved though so they still function as intended. I went back before the changes and it worked fine. it should still allow dragging & dropping them into it but that isn't the case it seems any more. the nodes never appear or you get a blocked symbol in the flowgraph window.
  12. that's actually good doing the base core stuff is way more time consuming than doing higher level stuff, still takes time but less though when the core is mostly there
  13. I perfectly understand why you want to go this way. but as reepblue has said people despises subscription based software. Now I wouldn't mind supporting you and your work though I generally don't like them either, but I think you should do something like what adobe does with substance painter. or at least something along that line with a year of updates. There will be people that simply will turn away the moment they hear Subscription based however if you can do one that is subscription based and one that is a one-time pay. I believe you can strike a bit of a balence there.
  14. if valve support's any thing it is a big deal period xD
  15. actually I am experimenting with that , and different model's with the scfi contruction kit and other textures , it's great so far groove
  16. what we do expect is carving tool, vertex tool, vegetation tool etc. this year. you can probably do this by C++
  17. rain/snow could be done with particles I think so, but you have to do it your self. not sure what is the most efficient way of doing this. but no it's not built-in yet, and carving tool, vertex editing/ vegetation tool , etc is suppose to come this year. I don't think this is planned for this year, but josh did say depending on time after getting those planned he may be able to do a few other things like this. Edit: best way of this is a shader
  18. is the current one would be fine to use say for non-animated physic props? btw we do need dat animated version as well groove also can't you do both TP, and FP, like have a TP player model viewable in FP like in the duke nukem forever game? (i know a bad example, it was just one of few games that has it)
  19. yea I think this is your's shadmar, is it around a 18mb .zip? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58645839/DayNightCycle_GodRays.zip
  20. oh yes very much groove
  21. can't wait for you to release the latest version of this
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