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Everything posted by AnthonyPython

  1. ok here is a water shot from Leadwerks 3.4 beta, as you have said in your status josh: I have my setting's the highest my computer could handle with out the program crashing
  2. copy most of mine, but still this is very much a +1
  3. Just the workshop game player, the debug and normal testing can still be done don't worry about it
  4. this is telling the player script if the mass is 0.1-5.0 (default weight settings) then it should pick it up, set it as 6 or higher and it should not be able to pick up.
  5. work-around's like have a default setting, etc.
  6. or telling a monster that if it walks on a texture of hot coal's then set it on fire and burn to death as well or lava or what ever you prefer
  7. +1 this would make this stuff to deal with much easier valve's source engine's period has had this and would be awesome to have
  8. Plus on a Side Note: this can determine if it is choppy/laggy while it is loading everything.
  9. I was just saying it looked great. nice work so far, (+ the side note i have no need for a cyber dog at this time for my game)
  10. in lua I guess you can use a check to see if you are in debug or not to print this stuff out, in only debug and not in the product
  11. cool, it would be nice to have it as a default in Leadwerks
  12. I use a laptop and a wired mouse with a mousepad since a digital mouse doesn't work right on glass. and I don't like most wireless stuff except my headphones there great I only have to recharge it every once a while and most of the time I only recharge it while I am sleeping over night. I have a turtlebeach Earforce PX3, it is usable on PC/MacOS, ps3, xbox 360, ps4, and xbox 1, plus has different settings you can choose while playing a game, to hear like footstep's better , or turn turn down explosion's, or hear other people better. etc. you can make your own preset's and download custom one's too.
  13. this is fine, some times you have to have the sandboxing disabled for somethings to work the way it's suppose to.
  14. yep there are more bigger and better Priority's to be done first instead of a small thing like this(like the vegitation tool, carving tool, and road tool)
  15. Thanks for teaching me this info also that is very nice of you to do that nick.
  16. not using the character right now, using a pivot currently, I changed the collision to Scene, and at one point it did pick something up. I might have it to high, playing around with it Edit: Ok , changed it to Projectile to detect only Scene, and prop stuff, I seem to be getting a bunch of correct feed back right now. got a( trying to compare a nil value with) (NormalInfo >= MinNormal and NormalInfo <= MaxNormal)
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