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Ronald Buanno

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Everything posted by Ronald Buanno

  1. Lucky you and Unlucky you at the same time.
  2. Agreed, You sir are a logical human being. +1 Also, when you put it like that, the price tag isn't that bad for people that are serious about sculpting
  3. Idk, I'd like to see his .map file to test on my pc, I haven't had issues like his. But I do see where your coming from nick and have experienced that in some games (just not leadwerks)
  4. Perfect! Glad you got a lot of it working. As for your sounds, I have not tested these features out yet. I would look to see if there is any sort of includes you have to add for your sound files? Not to sure how it works with leadwerks. Are they like ambient sounds in your map? Or used with your code?
  5. Weird D: I would zip it before attempting to attach it, which I'm sure you already new obviously ;P And check your account permissions? Maybe message Josh if you have an issue still. I had one when I first made my account and he remedied it within 5 minutes. Let me know how it goes.
  6. Taking a .map file from one project to another and loading it does not have this texture issue for me that I have noticed.. I'll try to emulate it. As for everything in default project being in your new game project, I do not believe this is true. It waters it down a lot so YOU can deside whats get carried over or at least that's what I have gathered from it. I personally think that is the way it should be done, I would copy over any assets you need from the original project into your new one. As for flow graph stuff, I have not messed with it so I don't know much about it, however it definitely looks like your flow graph is different in your new project ;P
  7. #slightlyconcerned Opposed to free software? And your using linux if not mistaken? Am I misreading or misunderstanding? Sure there will always be a need for "professional" and "well-supported" softwares and toolsets, but they of course are usually always not a necessity. Walmart has a good business strategy many are also following, modern times bring new adjustments for those that want to keep up. Before I go too crazy here, I'm going to wait for a response... lol
  8. Might I recommend linux? Lol jk, But trimming down your assets might help a bit. However If you have a gajillion assets in your scene that is understandable. How are your buildings constructed also? Anyway you could post pictures? or even better your .map? More information makes diagnosis and troubleshooting more accurate
  9. I see what you mean. Could you post the .map file so we can look at it with greater detail? Do you have 2 brushes overlapping on that wall that are fighting to show up on the same plane? If you post your .map, I'll see what I can do, since your a fellow linux user and all... lol All hail Linux!
  10. Are your textures and such located in your new game project folder? Haven't tried this yet, but it was just a thought.
  11. The steps where not only for textured objects, They were for viewport performance boosts. I have already stated I have used both. Realistically... Will you even need that much extra density in your mesh? Are you really getting THAT much more detail? In the picture posted, I think its clearly over kill. Alas, it's debatable to say the least. Regardless, Have fun with your 800 dollar software and being a grumpy pants. ;P P.S. you should apply to be a zbrush sale rep. P.P.S before you respond yes, I'll do the same and apply to be a blender rep lol
  12. A adventure game like Morrowind, Hands down. Would make a ton of useful examples for people to use with FPS games TPS games, and various other stuff!
  13. Last picture scares me with the human shaped shadow T-T (runs away)
  14. Did you do these steps? http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?257323-What-everybody-needs-to-know-about-Blender-Viewport-performance But yea, I hear you, It's all about preference Oh and obviously Windows is gonna hurt performance.... Jk ;P
  15. Upon further research, Most of these features are present in blender out of the box or with some plugins. Blender density can get pretty high depending on your graphics card and if you tweak blender view port for a bit more performance (not that hard). I use blender on my laptop like this and it works great. Also a lot of the things people make don't always need to be sculpted at crazy resolutions. The picture you posted for instance can be done quite easily without ever sculpting a thing. I suppose you could sculpt damage and super fine details like engraving and such, however that wouldn't be extremely taxing on the GPU. My laptop granted has a lesser generic deticated gpu, but I mean this thing can't play half-life 2 on high or even medium, however it can do pretty impressive stuff on blender. My personal prefrence is to use my desktop for most things I model as its much more comfortable to do so, but I can totally see how going outside to model and sculpt a tree would be extremely useful and even relaxing lol. I thought zspheres would be out of the question since its sort of a zbrush trademark tool, but I guess recent updates and plugins have very similar tools. I don't know, I've used both, I just don't see the need to spend that much for a program that basically has a free alternative, if you just take some alternate methods. It's just nice to consider your options. Though I will admit zbrushes workflow is much easier to learn and start with if your unfarmiliar with CAD-like tools. An example of a tool similar to zspheres in the beginning, resolution might be a bit less then zbrush, but realistically most of the sculpting is possible with the same results.
  16. The price tag of 800 dollars is just a major turn off, and depending on what your sculpting, blender can do the job. There's no reason to turn people away from free alternatives. Blender obviously isn't a full sculpting suite, however it competes quite well in my opinion. Having used both I just don't see the justification of price unless you absolutely need some of those features you listed above. I'll go more in depth later when I have time.
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