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Ronald Buanno

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Everything posted by Ronald Buanno

  1. Does it work on Linux? Also, if your wary of of spending nearly 800 dollars on software, look at blender. It offers many features Zbrush does not and also offers the same sculpting capabilities! (Oh and it works on Linux natively) ;P
  2. Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with the direction of this engine. I no longer wish to provide these tutorials which support it, as I no longer do. Good luck to you all.
  3. When I subscribe to this will it auto update if you update it? Or what?
  4. It would be cool. But I think there are tutorials on how to make them that are pretty easy. I think you can take your objects texture, de-saturate it in gimp and viola you have a specular map. Or something like that.
  5. Stayed up all night, trying to get some practice on character modeling... I think its time to stop before I start messing up from exhaustion lol.
  6. I have been using the latest blender (2.73) and this plugin. It works ok for me so far. Exported a bottle with materials I made entirely in blender without issue. I did not however have a child object. Later when I add "liquid" in my bottle and parent it to bottle, I'll see if it messes up. Upon further thinking, Does this need to be parented? Can I not simply join the water and the bottle together? Could you join your frame and blue sheet in the same manner to avoid this issue? Just some troubleshooting idea.
  7. I'll try this out later. But like I said, In my new project, no collisions work with the FPSController. I can't bump into the default crates, etc. Perhaps I'll just use the default "MyGame" for awhile for testing. Thanks for your responses Olby, I do appreciate them.
  8. Also, You might need to unwrap your model if you haven't. Select the whole model and press u > unwrap. Mess around with adding seams, and or use smart projection / cylinder projection depending on your model. Here is a good video I used to get started. Basically, You model. Then mark seems, unwrap. Then apply a texture over the uvmapping and you can start trying to color it in blender, or export to gimp/etc. I was going to make some how-to videos on how to make a model in blender, unwrap, texture, and export to leadwerks in my free time. I'll post it here when it is ready.
  9. How about we get basic features, before we focus on stuff that is brand new and not even perfected. K. Cool.
  10. I'm aware of those threads. The generator simply does not function properly on Linux.. I know how to use google and I know how to make a collisionhull. Never said Leadwerks was driven by thousands. I tried using the crates and stuff that came in the game for reference, but they offer no collisions. So they are not useful for use as an example. Also, sorry for asking the community to answer questions leisurely at their convenience.
  11. Well I made my own CollisionHull. The beta gave me the option to use the hull generator.. but it crashes.. a lot. So I figured manual is better anyway. How can I test the collisions? So far I have no collisions with even the starter crates with the FPS prefab? Is that normal? Also here is a rough textured bottle. Much bottle.
  12. >.> I am now lol. Thanks Guppy. Glad to see there's another active Ubuntu 14.04 person in here
  13. Ok, so I made a simple bottle with blender and exported it successfully into blender via the fancy plugin Josh has posted. No grips there, It was painless to get it into Leadwerks, of course its not complex or animated. However I noticed this : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/artwork/importing-models-into-leadwerks-r121 This is my screenshot Leadwerks on Ubuntu, looking for this automatic hull creator... This is grinding my gears. Linux and Windows should have the same features etc. In the mean time I'm going to attempt to create my own simple collision hull to test...
  14. Interesting. Can't wait until you can mess around with actual water.
  15. Art assets are made for a game. Good code is not necessarily. Example, the functions for converting a 24 hour clock into a 12 hour clock is modular and could be useful in many games. I haven't messed with the lua in leadwerks yet, but if its anything like gmod... it should be pretty modular if your doing it right. At the very least readable to the point were someone that is inexperienced can read (along with good comments or reverse engineering) can figure out how to replicate results.
  16. Ronald Buanno


    Can't wait to start messing around with this and the terrain system together to make an island!
  17. I like this idea. However even a simple layer / folder system would go leaps and bounds. Hammer has a similar setup and it is solid, You can toggle entire sections of your scene, and there is less scrolling through the hierarchy.
  18. I just think the vast amount of tutorials that pertain to 3d stuff speak for themselves. Not really a vast amount of coding tutorials that I have seen. I mean there are some good ones popping up. I just think in general art is easier to obtain, as you can at least buy models if you refuse to make your own ( which can be extremely simple ). Buy scripts? Or better yet packs of code for games? I have not seen any. Do these same things not apply to finding code? Not all code fits everyone's needs. Art is simple. Children can make art. But I see both sides of the picture, Enough ranting on my part.
  19. I have solved the issues with the shadows not appearing on the top tier of my map. Caulk texture on the tops of the wall brushes needed to be removed to properly cast the shadows. Shadow popping at short distance is still occurring though, How can I increase distance / prevent this? Correct, I had a hunch and textured a bunch of small brushes in game differently to see how they were effected by light to figure it out. rumble_arena_fixed_shadows.zip
  20. Yes, but not many coders spend there time coding stuff to give away for free.. Some make tutorials, but its not like art. People give away 3d assets for free. Its a finish product. Most coders give snippets, leaving lots to be finished usually. In general even high school students can have access to and learn 3d programs, very few have access and get thought coding let alone coding entire games.
  21. Never art. Never. Its the easiest to obtain. And free to create.
  22. Also, focusing on model packs because they were "popular" is not really something I would advertise. This is a game engine, its missing basic features many others have, even free ones (hammer). Model packs can be purchased in a slew of other websites, the workshop can let users create and share model packs, and in general focusing on models and the sale of the model packs in not going to get the features list were it should be.
  23. This seems like pretty basic stuff that should be working.. If we are supposed to be able to "easily create a game without ever leaving Linux." Why don't the tool tips work on the sidebar? Who knows what button is what.. We need menu's that show us the hotkey's. Someone told me Texture Lock is Control + L where can anyone show me that on the website or in the editor? This says there are apply and pick material buttons? Where are they? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1226-new-build-provides-texture-lock-improved-tex-mapping/ How about more right click options? Like parent/join.. Make prefab.. List goes on. Skybox texture? In editor its glitchy.. can't Leadwerks follow Hammer's lead and have a developer skybox texture for this as representation in editor? Sticky Control keys? Now that I am aware that control is the duplicate by dragging key, I've noticed lots of glitches and sticks.. again where are these keys and combinations listed for people to view and learn? How about a break away menu like Hammer for rotation, translation, and scaling brushes? Clicking edit>rotate y is not gonna cut it.. Can I assign A hot key to do that? Will I have enough hot keys? lol It's disappointing to have just purchased and not have any really hotkey cheat sheets. If I were to review Leadwerks on steam right now, it would not reflect well like many of the other peer reviews.
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