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Ronald Buanno

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Everything posted by Ronald Buanno

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKBYUR3CF4k&feature=youtu.be I fixed the dark lighting with the root skybox instead of a manual one. However I really would like to be able to make manual ones. What am I doing wrong?
  2. Hmmm, More help needed here guys, I'm trying to add a skybox to my practice map, and well for starters the sky material is borked in the viewer which is really annoying, couldn't leadwerks just use a skybox texture like source engine to remedy this? And when I apply my skybox the lighting in the level is instantly darkened and messed up. How do I avoid this? Anyone else notice the control button has weird activity? Where if you press it while something was clicked you have to repress control to continue? Updated version of my practice map showing my skybox and lighting issues. Also I have included a simple prefab for my type of stairs if anyone wants to use it, I think they are more usable that the stairs Josh demonstrated in his sample.map. rumble_pit.zip
  3. Also for rotations, I think a source equivilant of the Control + M menu should be made, Do you guys agree? A menu that lets you type in units/degree's to rotate, translate, or scale. This whole edit menu click rotate thing is not at all what we need. Unless... I can hot key that?
  4. Could you elaborate on grouping? In my map for instance, I select all of my stair wedge's, then how do I "drag them" to the parent object? I think there should definitely be a parent button that lets you click the objects, or even a right click menu. --- Scratch that, I dragged all the items in the scene menu and it seems to work. This is an awkward way of grouping thinks in my opinion. But I suppose it works. Also, Control + L for texture lock, Is not doing anything for me. Duplicated prefabs start with good textures, then I move and its all borked. Again, there is no button for this action? Or even a drop down menu?
  5. Olby, Thanks for all the suggestions and information. It's really a shame there isn't a drop down menu that shows you some of these hot keys. Well not that I can find at least. Also the lack of tool tips for the tools is rather annoying, I'm not sure if that's just a Linux issue, but this is supposed to be a Linux development kit. I'm going to try out the new methods to whip up a new practice map.
  6. I posted this with an attached file... I'm not to sure what happened to it. Here's my second shot at reuploading. (I see what happened, you cannot upload .maps files directly. rumble_arena.map.zip
  7. Hello, I'm going to be using this thread to ask questions about mapping with the editor and showing examples of my current maps in progress. A couple of questions I have so far are: - I notice copy and pasting duplicates of an object (brushes) snaps them to a offset grid, Any way to make this new duplicate I paste to snap to my current grid so I don't have to size down and adjust? This is extremely unproductive D: - What is the deal with the material editor? Are we getting a new tool for this? Pasted duplicates textures are readjusted and must be tweaked by hand to correct, how can I avoid this? Source engine allowed you to save material placement via world or local object, is this possible? - How can I save a prefab of a set of objects (brushes)? I select them all and I cannot right click to save them as a prefab? That stinks! - Is there a way to edit verts? In Source engine you could move individual verts on objects (brushes) is this simply not possible in Leadwerks? - Is there a way to disable the grid from showing in the perspective view? It sometimes gets in my way and is just generally not what I need for that window. - Rotating a group of objects rotates them all individually not as a group? Anyways to enable this? Also seems unproductive D: More questions to come. For now, Here is a map I have made to learn a bit about the editor. Enjoy, and critique! rumble_arena.map.zip
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