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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. it looks impressive. so whats the interface with LE? is the pureLight just performed on the models themselves and you load them into LE or is there a new inherent command or something that loads the pureLight pre-calculated render?
  2. you don't have to call it... For example: if you are using the standard directional light object as found in the editor, it has a lua script associated with it that sets its properties. Inside that script, the class.lua script is being called. Thats why I am saying if you are using any of the standard entities from the editor it will try to load class.lua.
  3. will there be a tut that shows how to implement the pureLight with Leadwerks? I think people would be interested in seeing how (easily) the two are combined with before and after shots, before making a purchase...
  4. ? really? your specular actually reflected the color nevermind... i guess i should look at the new tut... i guess its part of the lightmap ability? hmmm sorry, I thought what i was seeing was an actual reflection and not just a colored light? or am i missing something here...
  5. sounds like you have something trying to load the script... any of the normal entities that come with LE (lights, atmosphere, emitters) all call this script.
  6. what I would like to know is how Josh did the reflective surface on the rotating statue in that demo?
  7. you could always try to delete the directional light from the scene (taking notes on the settings), save the scene with no directional light, and then add a new one back into the scene and save again. Perhaps a parameter is not being set correctly...
  8. nope i have the enable colored shadows checkbox from the download i did last night... so it sounds like maybe you did not update your Entities folder?
  9. yep, so that means you would need to set a Collision response for those two things: Collisions(plane Entitytype, raycast Entitytpe, collision response)
  10. you may wish to read over this tutorial about lighting optimization
  11. macklebee


    Yes, essentially I had to use an older SVN version of the freeimage.mod from brucey's repository. The latest version would not compile for me. I had to use version 948 or else it would fail in the compile. The newest versions of the other required modules worked fine: cegui.mod, ceguiopengl.mod, and regex.mod.
  12. macklebee


    cool. much appreciated. @Victo - also, I just remembered: it wasn't wxMax that I compiled, because a precompiled module is available to download from the website. It was cegui module that gave me fits because of the requirement for freeimage.mod.
  13. macklebee


    nice MG, I can compile but I cannot get past the need for having to use a timer to control flip... how did you manage it?
  14. i think rick is right... ,row[1] is not the same variable as row1... perhaps thats just a mistake on your psuedocode tho...
  15. well, actually for him to get the properties display to update correctly with a Vec3 variable then he needs to do this: change this: object.model:SetKey("rotationspeed","0,1,0") to this: object.rotationspeed = Vec3(0,1,0) and do this for the GetKey check/return value: elseif key=="rotationspeed" then return self.rotationspeed.x..","..self.rotationspeed.y..","..self.rotationspeed.z
  16. just responding to your comments... i truly had no idea what you are talking about... 1) the lua rotationspeed variable you are talking about is the model key rotationspeed 2) what class SetKey method are you referring to? the one in class.lua? he does call it but that has nothing to do with his problem
  17. or just do it smartly and actually add the variable check return value to the GetKey function...
  18. add this to your GetKey function and it will work just fine. elseif key=="rotationspeed" then return self.rotationspeed edit-- i have no idea what rick is talking about...
  19. if it is the phy file causing the issue then he won't be able to remake it... as there is no object file available for phygen... which begs again for the need of a GMF2PHY converter...
  20. are you using this? anyone got any experience with it?
  21. its all part of the allure of LE updates... its like a box of chocolates... er, wait... what?
  22. it was a bug that Josh created with the new heirarchy rendering system for 2.32... it was a problem in the editor, so Red was definitely using framework. Josh posted the fix for the script in the bug tracker. And particles do work over water, just not heathaze/refraction type particles... at least not inherently.
  23. that guy is everywhere... yeah, i was curious if anyone knew if it was possible to tell if a particular surface/material was visible thru something like entity culled/visible, but it doesn't look like those work. perhaps a pick would be doable... and that might remove the need for pivots since you can get the normal from the picked surface... but then how do you guarantee the pick will pick up all three faces no matter what? yeah, i played around with it a little using a second camera which is what we used for a cctv screen... but never had the problem with sound... but i assume your sound setup on your game is alot more intensive than what i have...
  24. the viperscout is a model that can only be used in the editor... if you notice its in the private folder. you would need to buy the model from dexsoft if you wish to use it outside the editor.
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