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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. you might have better luck if you just write a basic script (or ask someone to do it for you) that contains the common properties that you use... how bout you list the common things you only want in your properties dialog...
  2. are you asking about adding or deleting groups/properties that are already in the script and you just decide whether or not they are used or shown in properties dialog? or are you asking what i think you are asking: have a dialog property that gives you the ability to add a brand new property? seems like that would be very chicken-egg type of thing... seems easier just to add or delete whatever from the actual script itself...
  3. Here is the same concept added to a mirror model. It still suffers from the same problem as the cube as it doesn't use the angle of incidence to calculate the reflected image... but I have to go work out of town for the next three days so I won't be able to work on it. Perhaps someone like Tyler can figure out the proper math needed to get the angle of incidence/reflection? I can upload the cube but it really is a fps killer and I don't want anyone to complain when their editor locks up!
  4. i await your tutorial then rick... oh thats right...
  5. sweet... sounds amazing NA. cannot wait to see this... and you bring up a good point, where's the Leadwerks gift shop with coffee mugs, T-shirts, hats, and dog collars? i see a new business possibility
  6. ah interesting read on gimbal lock, and it makes some sense... but then I guess my next question is why do you not see the same effect on the other two when rotating around on the Y or Z axis... shouldn't they produce the same effect?
  7. Thanks gilmer. I am not sure I understand exactly what you are asking... If its what I think you are asking then right now I am just setting the camera up to a predefined surface normal vector in the object script using a correctly oriented pivot. yeah, its pretty straight forward. I was trying to figure out the 3d angle of incidence math to get the reflection right, cause right now it just "reflects" straight out from the cube face... which looks ok but gives more of an impression that its a video screen than an actual reflection. Let me clean up my code and comment it and I will post it.
  8. Looks great NA, cannot wait to see this in action. Appreciate the hard work and detail you have been putting in to all this for the community. Thanks and do you like your coffee with one or two lumps? what size t-shirt?
  9. Actually you only need one camera. As for the cullfaced surface... hmmm... that's interesting. Perhaps there is a way to determine if you can see a particular material on one Entity? If so that might help pick up some fps so it doesn't need to actually do all 6 renders each update.
  10. nope... just playing around... but who knows
  11. well honestly it was just in response to tyler's post which was in response to gilmer's and another person's posts... but actually MG and me had basically already created working cctv screen and camera lua scripted models from 6 months ago... which essentially was just the inverse of what I am doing now.
  12. you can use decals in the editor... granted it still has bugs outside of it... what kinda texture are you trying to apply?
  13. thanks pixel... the framework render might be too much for useable cubemap since the reflections do not need to be very detailed to give a decent effect. But it could be extremely useable for say a large bathroom mirror? Cleaning up the code for anyone that wants to try it out... granted, still need to incorporate the true angles based on camera position... but thats going to require me to get out my kids old schoolbooks
  14. I am hacking it by having a different material on each face... effectively creating a "cubemap". Using the framework camera for the buffer renders gives it a nice crystal clear reflection and all of the nice framework effects rendered... but its a fps killer doing 6 faces. For actual use in a game, you could just use a normal camera for the render which will give a greater fps boost. Currently its a lua scripted object model that I can just drop into a scene. Not necessarily creating a cubemap on the fly, but currently I do not think we have a way to set buffer-created textures to a cubemap face index... at least not with an engine command. Still working on the angle of incidence math to have the reflections move based on the camera... but getting there...
  15. I have a realtime "cubemap" (of a sort) as an object scripted model. except I am hacking it by having a different material on each face, rendering to each face's buffer, and then setting the resulting colorbuffer to each face's material... effectively creating a "cubemap". Using the framework camera for the buffer renders gives it a nice crystal clear reflection and all of the nice framework effects rendered... but its a fps killer doing 6 faces. For actual use in a game, you could just use a normal camera for the render which will give a greater fps boost.
  16. I've tried but my coding skills are failing me at the moment... by the time I get it figured out josh will have fixed it or changed it to something else for me to have to figure out... it just makes no sense why the ranges between axis don't match... i assume there is a very good reason, but its confusing as all get out...
  17. agreed... fantastic intuitive software that basically just got shelved development-wise once taken over just to basically incorporate their ideas into the company's other software... which left everyone who had hexagon and bryce screwed with no hopes of improvements or bug fixes.
  18. possibly once LE3.0 comes, but currently the hold up low-spec machines and LE playing nicely is the shaders requirement... these are the current requirements if you even hope to run LE
  19. agreed... but at the very least i would be happy if all three axis had the same value range... it makes no sense at all that they are different from each other and screws up simple offsets on the Y & Z when rotating on the X axis. This is a huge bug in my mind.
  20. Noticed something else weird, when rotating on X-axis, the X-axis angle value varies between -90 to 90, while when rotating on the other two axis, the angles range from -180 to 180. This explains why the X-axis rotation causes the -180 to 0 to 180 values on the Y & Z. But why is this like this and how can I get it to stop doing this so all three axis use the same ranges?
  21. I was trying to set an entity to always be certain degrees offset from another entity and noticed that when rotating the X-axis, the Y and Z axis values bounce from 180 to 0 to -180, which screws up my offset. It does not do this if you rotate on the other two axis. Why is this happening and what can I do to prevent it from happening? Example code showing the problem: RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(1024,768) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPositionf(0,1,-3) mesh1=CreateCube() mesh1:SetColor(Vec4(1,.25,0,1)) mesh1:SetPositionf(-1.75,0,0) mesh2=CreateCube() mesh2:SetColor(Vec4(1,0,1,1)) mesh2:SetPositionf(0,0,0) mesh3=CreateCube() mesh3:SetColor(Vec4(1,0,0,1)) mesh3:SetPositionf(1.75,0,0) fw.main.camera:Point(mesh2,3,1,0) light=CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotationf(45,45,0) while AppTerminate()==0 do mesh1:Turn(Vec3(.15,0,0),1) mesh2:Turn(Vec3(0,.15,0),1) mesh3:Turn(Vec3(0,0,.15),1) fw:Update() fw:Render() mesh1rot = mesh1:GetRotation(1) mesh2rot = mesh2:GetRotation(1) mesh3rot = mesh3:GetRotation(1) DrawText("Mesh 1 Rotated on X axis: ",100,100) DrawText("X axis: "..mesh1rot.x,100,120) DrawText("Y axis: "..mesh1rot.y,100,140) DrawText("Z axis: "..mesh1rot.z,100,160) DrawText("Mesh 2 Rotated on Y axis: ",390,100) DrawText("X axis: "..mesh2rot.x,390,120) DrawText("Y axis: "..mesh2rot.y,390,140) DrawText("Z axis: "..mesh2rot.z,390,160) DrawText("Mesh 3 Rotated on Z axis: ",680,100) DrawText("X axis: "..mesh3rot.x,680,120) DrawText("Y axis: "..mesh3rot.y,680,140) DrawText("Z axis: "..mesh3rot.z,680,160) Flip() end
  22. yep you need to go this post and send josh all that info... he should get you set right up...
  23. yep, i am still here... looking forward to seeing your scenes in LE lighting! should be fantastic!
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