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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. when i first looked at that i had no idea what that meant... then i said it aloud and whaddyaknow...
  2. the Witch Gate Project if i remember correctly...
  3. bout time you showed up! when are you going to port your game over to LE?
  4. you know you can change the mesh.frag to do whatever you want, right? Also, look here for the Refraction Tutorial
  5. weird... it resolved itself...
  6. this script when ran from the ScriptEditor will load the shader, then crashes the program. require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(1024,768) fw=CreateFramework() shader = LoadShader("abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag") while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip() end can anyone else confirm before I start a bug report to make sure its not something on my end? This what I see in the console: Leadwerks Engine 2.32 Initializing Renderer... OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 GLSL Version: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler Render device: GeForce 9800 GX2/PCI/SSE2 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation DrawBuffers2 supported: 1 32 texture units supported. GPU instancing supported: 1 Max batch size: 64 Shader model 4.0 supported: 1 Conditional render supported: 0 Loading shader "zip::c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//query.vert", ""... Invoking script "C:/Program Files/Leadwerks Engine SDK/Scripts/start/collisions.lua"... Invoking script "C:/Program Files/Leadwerks Engine SDK/Scripts/start/fliphook.lua"... Invoking script "C:/Program Files/Leadwerks Engine SDK/Scripts/start/globals.lua"... Loading shader "zip::c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh_diffuse.vert", "zip::c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh_diffuse.frag"... Error: Failed to compile fragment shader object. 0(335) : error C1115: unable to find compatible overloaded function "clamp(float, int, int)" Source: #define LW_MAX_PASS_SIZE 64 #define LW_INSTANCED #define LW_SM4 #define etc... etc...
  7. that sets the position of the cubemap camera to the normal camera's postion... which is fine if he was trying something like a cctv screen, but since he is trying to do a reflection, the cubemap camera needs to look out from the cube not at it.
  8. In my mind, SetColorBuffer is not doing this: -- Bind each buffer to a face of the cubemap but rather is doing this: -- Set a face of the cubemap to a buffer and then you are rendering the buffer and it shows up as a texture in DrawImage, but I do not see a place where you are assigning the individual textures created from the buffers back into the cubemap itself. You need a way to copy those buffers back to those individual cubemap indexes I suspect for this to work. Something like SetCubeMap(cubemap,texture,index) seems like it would be needed...
  9. macklebee


    Good job, Tak!
  10. wouldn't you need to disconnect/free the host before you terminate netwerks?
  11. macklebee


    alien dolphins then?
  12. what version are you using? I thought this issue was fixed here recently with the terrain/physics X&Z being swapped. edit--this program Josh provided shows the physics mesh working correctly now. Have you updated your SDK recently... Also, if this is a new bug, then you really need to provide a sample code that clearly demonstrates the issue you are having. One or two lines does not help anyone and really tests their willingness to create a program from scratch just to help you figure out what your problem could be...
  13. SweptCollision(cube,1) cannot say for terrain problem... the wiki says to use ScaleEntity, and i can see it changing the meterspertile value when scaled... dunno. Perhaps someday josh will enlighten everyone on how he is creating the terrain, resolution, altitude, etc...
  14. You would still use the same collision settings. SweptCollision is only applied to the cube itself. You can set it inside the editor with a lua script for the cube or you can just set it with code on the cube model. Well, the problem with ScaleEntity could be with the fact that you aren't scaling it uniformly. Try making the X,Y,Z scale all the same. When I scale the terrain, the terrain.meterspertile is always equal to the X value.
  15. You could use ScaleEntity on the terrain to set how many meters per tile since CreateTerrain always creates a terrain with 1 meter per tile. Well, I cannot seem to get it to happen myself. But maybe I am not trying the same way you are doing it. What version of LE are you using? The latest release of LE appears to be using the latest newton SDK release which involved fixing collision glitches with terrain. Set the cube to have sweptcollision and you shouldn't be able to get it to fail. With the latest newton.dll, I couldn't get a very small complex shaped object moving at very high speed to pass through the terrain if I had SweptCollision on, no matter what angle the collision occurred.
  16. well, if you use c# to make an executable to run your program, would you need to even worry about it? I am incorporating lua into a bmx program and when done like that it doesn't show the command window. I had tried at one point using vbscript to run the command window as invisible but it unfortunately also ran the LE graphics window invisible as well
  17. Perhaps Josh will fix it so the dos screen will run silent for lua like it states its possible in the wiki? using the '-s' switch?
  18. very cool, NA... and once again thanks for taking the time out of your life to create these tutorials that LE so desperately needs to grow as a community...
  19. hmmm... interesting... will take a look... thanks! what was it, Tyler?
  20. just curious, because at one time I remember being able to use the effects, but I am unable to hear any difference now... the sound is mono and I did the EAXSupported() check... perhaps my hearing is going Can anyone else confirm whether or not these still work in LE2.32?
  21. i would think that would be very subjective depending on the type of game, the game features, the person's ability, the person's time able to devote to the game, etc...
  22. no i didnt see the PM... yep english is my native language... i know its hard to tell sometimes! I will take a look at it now! EDIT---I didn't get a PM from you, NA... fyi...
  23. couldn't you just load the splash screen (assuming its a 2d image), load the main menu, then at the end of loading all of the menu items, remove the 2d splash screen... you would not need a timer... or just use two timers; one that gets set when you first display the splash screen, and one that is constantly updated in an update loop.... when the difference between the two timers is greater than 5 seconds, remove the splash screen...
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