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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. it was released with 2.31 and had some small examples with it.
  2. you will find no reasoning in some of those trolls' statements, NA... why some of them do it I cannot say... and a lot of the things they complain about were based on versions so old that make no sense... and the rest is just blatant lies. I see the complaints that some have with LE is superficial at best. LE is not going to be for everyone and just like any other engine out there, it has its own limitations. But to make personal attacks against Josh and purposefully troll the devmaster posting garbage is just truly sad.
  3. destructable physics... perhaps I read it wrong and Josh was just talking about changing how LE and phygen (which he wrote using the newton sdk) are going to create PHY files... and with the latest newton SDK release that fixed the annoying glitch of fast moving objects going thru the terrain, perhaps the newton engine is at a point where Josh doesn't need to incorporate new versions of newton with LE... but in any case, destructable physics seem a very low priority at the moment.
  4. recently Josh had hinted that he was going to implement his own physics engine instead of newton and had specifically said that he wasn't going to implement the desctructable physics from newton... if Josh does implement his own physics engine, i wonder how easily user's current projects will update... Julio really needs to create something to easily update existing physics files or allow backwards compatibility with each new version of his sdk...
  5. 3DWS is a CSG modeler to create architectural type models. Its not included in the price of the Leadwerks Engine, as it is its own product. It can be used though to create models to be used in the Leadwerks Engine. Please keep in mind that Leadwerks is not a modeling program, and you will need to either provide your own models by either creating them or buying them. You might be interested in Cartography Shop which was the predecessor to 3DWS and is currently free.
  6. macklebee

    The Basics

    The phy file created automatically in the editor is for static objects, which will be fine for your shanty town models. Any model that you wish to have dynamic physics interaction, you will need to use either phygen or obj2phy. As for getting properties for the models, try adding this to each model's lua script: require("scripts/class") class=CreateClass(...) This will add the common properties that you can modify with the object's property dialog. I would set the shanty town buildings to SCENE in the collision option under the Physics tab. Something that might help you is the Leadwerks User Guide by Aggror. Its a nice resource for new users.
  7. an acceleration of 1-100 is very low... try between 300-500.
  8. what version are you using? this issue or one very similar was supposedly fixed for LE 2.32 according to this BugReport Also, you may want to look at downloading the newton SDK and getting the latest newton.dll from it. A couple of bugs were fixed that caused fast moving objects to pass through terrain, and I am not sure if Josh has incorporated the newest newton.dll into the Leadwerks SDK.
  9. I am not a c++ guy, but I have some questions about your code. Is 'game.scene.scene' the actual entity you loaded with LoadScene()? Are you using lua inconjuction with c++? Have you tried just: Collisions::Set(1,1,1); just in case, SLIDINGCOLLISION is not being defined? Is the Spectator being parented to the cam?
  10. good luck FenMix... hopefully things will get better all around. Perhaps your game developed with free software will allow you to make some money to buy LE?
  11. hmmm weird... your lead character in your game looks just like this guy I have seen around here...
  12. glad to hear it. for future reference, look at the framework examples in the wiki
  13. there's no bug that i can see... here is an example that allows you to set AA, bloom, godrays, ssao, hdr, wireframe, and dof. you also need the lua-gluefunctions.bmx to be able to incorporate the lua objects (environment_atmosphere, lights, etc..) from the sbx scene. and this is just a small example that sets the skybox and DOF: Framework leadwerks.engine Import "c:\program files\leadwerks engine sdk\bmx\framework\framework.bmx" GCSetMode(2) AppTitle:String = "SkyBox and DOF" RegisterAbstractPath ("c:\program files\leadwerks engine sdk") Graphics(800, 600) Global fw:TFramework = CreateFramework() If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine." PositionEntity(fw.Main.camera, Vec3(.5, 0, - 2), 1) SetSkyBox(LoadMaterial("abstract::FullskiesBlueClear0016_2_L.mat")) SetBackgroundColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)) SetFarDOF(1) SetFarDOFStrength(1) SetFarDOFRange(1.5, 5) Global light:TLight = CreateDirectionalLight() RotateEntity(light, Vec3(45, 45, 0)) Global mat:TMaterial = LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") Global cube1:TMesh = CreateCube() PaintEntity(cube1, mat) Global cube2:TMesh = CreateCube() PaintEntity(cube2, mat) PositionEntity(cube2, Vec3(1.5, .5, 2), 1) HideMouse() fw.SetStats(1) Repeat If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit TurnEntity(cube1, Vec3(.15, .15, 0)) TurnEntity(cube2, Vec3(-.15, 0, -.15)) fw.Update() fw.Render() Flip(0) Forever fw.renderer.gbuffer = Null GCCollect() ShowMouse() End
  14. This appears to be a Windows issue... if you google the topic, its well covered, and almost all suggestions refer to using a 3rd party app to do the capture. In this case, saving a screenshot with LE commands would be the way to go.
  15. look at the Making A Spectator tutorial.
  16. DOF used to be an issue in 2.31 and was listed in the bug tracker. It has been fixed and works now in 2.32. EDIT: When you say no HDR, what are you meaning? Perhaps the HDR that you are expecting may be the problem. HDR in LE is a subtle effect that really is only noticeable when you have contrasting bright and darkened areas. The only time that I ever really notice a difference with HDR is when I have bloom on. Also, you need to add your computer spec's to your signature.
  17. The picture I showed you is uu3d on the top which shows the UV map, and the bottom is the sphere in the leadwerks editor. And yes, it looks fine all the way around it. Why can you not show your UV map? What you are showing in your picture looks like stretched UVs on those particular faces.
  18. if you want a decent toon shader look at the old forum regarding this post
  19. macklebee


    you really think giving out your registration key on a public forum is a good idea? by all means go right ahead... wait... let me get my pen and paper ready... if you send it to Josh at the email Pixel listed, then you can probably get what you want. EDIT: have you tried downloading the 3dws trial version and seeing if it takes your registration key? its been awhile since I had to re-install 3dws, so i cannot remember if it gives an option to put a key in or not...
  20. it looks like bad UV mapping. Do you know what the UV map for your sphere even looks like? I just created a sphere with UU3D, and it worked just fine...
  21. I cannot say without being able to try it myself with the model/texture/mat files. But honestly it just looks like poor UV mapping. Can you post a picture of what your UV map looks like?
  22. try removing the texture clamp... see the wiki concerning clamp
  23. macklebee


    Also, to get your program above to work, add this before the main loop: SetBackgroundColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)) This was added to allow people greater control over day/night cycles in 2.32... so the default is setting the background color to black. Personally I think the default should be what I posted, but...
  24. macklebee


    to load an editor scene with a skybox, look at this post
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