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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. sure just send me a PM with the necessary links and whatnot and I will give it a look-see...
  2. you bought the leadwerks engine sdk... now go to this link, If you need access to the forum, and send Josh an email with your SDK registration key, etc... as listed in that post. Then when Josh gets to it, you will get access...
  3. are the tanks tracks animated or an actual models with joints? just curious as I have been playing around with chain physics here lately...
  4. Suggest you look at the previous forum's FAQ page. It will need to be edited to include the changes that have happened over the last year, but there are a lot of stuff that still applies.
  5. does pick.triangle only work for C? can anyone thats using C or C++ check to see if it returns anything besides zero? In lua and bmax that's all it ever returns...
  6. hmmm. it returns 0 in a bmax program as well... does this work anymore? I am using 2.32... perhaps I should try earlier versions...
  7. thanks masterxilo... i just tried it in lua and it always returns a zero. I haven't tried it yet in bmax but will do so tomorrow after a good night's rest.
  8. Then I suggest you go to the link that masterxilo showed, and both you and Terrorist Zero send in your respective SDK registration keys for the version of LE that you have so you can get into the programming section of the forum. It makes no sense not to get yourself access if you have the SDK. You will get full access to the forums on everything except the Leadwerks Editor and the LUA programming board, if you have version 2.2x and not 2.3.
  9. agree... and personally don't think OOP should be forced upon anyone... if someone wants OOP then they need to have a OOP wrapper. The base code should be procedural for all languages.
  10. how are you programming at all if you do not have the SDK?
  11. PointLights had a major bug that would cause a crash when rendered with water in 2.31. It was in the bug tracker and was fixed for 2.32... fyi.
  12. yeah its the same script that was used in 2.31 as well... i should clarify my statement above that emitters do not work in the editor... they do not work in lua anymore. A standalone lua script will give the same results that are seen in the editor.
  13. macklebee


    thats a nice way to put it
  14. Emitters worked over water and terrain before 2.32. The only type of emitter that didn't work with water was one using heathaze/refraction... now they do not work in the editor at all.
  15. macklebee


    Basic Tools scroll down to Spin
  16. nice... thanks for the link... i like the whole thing being packed into one executable... pretty slick. look forward to seeing that dragon move! (assuming you have time after your tutorials )
  17. nice! dl'ing now... looks great! has this been rigged yet? if so how many bones? on a side note:how did you pack the shaders into the exe?
  18. For example: you have a 5mx5m mesh plane that has a 5x5 division resulting in 50 triangles that are all using the exact same material (which then would be considered one surface). Now using a pick based on mouse position on the mesh, how would you determine what vertex your mouse was over? I do not see a GetVertex() or GetTriangle() that could allow you determine which vertex index you are near... and you need this vertex index to be able to get/set the vertex position, color, etc.. Unless I am missing something obvious, it appears theres a command missing in the wiki?
  19. How can you determine what vertex index you are grabbing from a particular triangle or surface?
  20. I think you mean 'querying' not queering... thats a whole different concept...
  21. if you say so... but i doubt it... i see bmaxer's getting reamed here...
  22. yes. Marley and I experienced the same 6 months ago, which is why we stayed with bmax... my fear now is that we bmaxer's will get slowed down to the current c++ speed once LE3.0 comes out and we have to import a dll...
  23. no problem... i was thinking jeebus... i guess i will stick to bmax and lua, cuz that confused the heck out of me...
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